Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
Gabriel @gabriel_true
On a scale of 0 to 10, what is the level of taste of the above User's Waifu/Husbando?
Just list one from your harem. If you have multiple save them for a later post.
Ya know cause you might wish to judge multiple people so make a rating then list another character you like. Got it?
To start my husbando is Undertaker of Black Butler.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
Gabriel @gabriel_true

feralfroggy @feralfroggy
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
feralfroggy @feralfroggy

10. i know nothing bout this guy but thats daddy right there.
this is my waifu phos

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann
UHHHH. The undertaker...SOLID CHOICE. He enjoys jokes and I appreciate this in a husbando.
Feralfroggy's waifu, I'm not sure who that is so....I'm sure they're great if they decided to make them waifu. :D

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Takao from D-Frag!
There's a uh, couple of reasons why she's my type.

Adairec @serias
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
Adairec @serias

I'd give her a 7 out of 10, she has nice hair and a pretty face, but i'm not a huge fan of the dress and hairband

Lamby @momoichi
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
Lamby @momoichi
touhou? classic but not my taste personally
comic relief end boss husbando best husbando

Your Neko Emo Friend Mia @miachan22
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
Your Neko Emo Friend Mia @miachan22

Hm...everyone has their different tastes in waifus and husbandos...so I give you a 9/10 ^^

Mea_chan @a13x_6
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
Mea_chan @a13x_6
not bad, but its not me so 9/10. XD

Your Neko Emo Friend Mia @miachan22
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Judge the Above User's Taste in WAIFU/HUSBANDO
Your Neko Emo Friend Mia @miachan22

-3- I give this bastard above me a 7/10
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