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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones

My first thought was "atleast you got to touch her." that is such a 'nice guy' comment. XD https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/685/263/f91.png
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Firstly. You seem to care more to rhyme rather than to pass your message. Secondly. Indeed, we don't know you, but our individual opinions of you are surfaced due to how you act and write here. Third. "I HATE MYSELF I HATE MORE", followed two verses later by "I AM STRONG" and "WAY STRONGER that you" is a total contradiction. You aren't "strong" if you hate yourself. Fourthly. You don't have the power or authority, not legal, nor sacramental (sorry, don't know how to put it to English) to demand anything of us, such as dream, shout through the roof or just scream. It is great that you have more determination and guts than others to tell what you think, but that doesn't make you right at all. Efforts don't necessarily bear good fruits, because life isn't static. We don't know whether you mean what you say or if you are a troll. Not that I care all the much, that was above Fukushima, good sir.
https://i1.wp.com/concentuswealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/JackNicholson.jpg https://www.dictionary.com/e/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/nice-guy-4.jpg https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jurr9AB0CQk/VeLU_8SJUxI/AAAAAAAATlU/LvZDBdX683Y/s1600/youre-goddamn-right-i-did.gif
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