Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones

Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
I've been talking under the shadows with some people on this place for a while and a common trend I found within plenty of males was the misconception that just because you were "nice" you were entitled to getting a blowjob at the minimum.
First off... People who's only seemingly good trait is to be "nice" are boring as hell... What else can you offer to the table besides that?
Second... I found out, that people who over emphasized their niceness usually weren't even close to being decent people once they were rejected or the girls didn't automatically love them, usually retorting to manipulation, blackmailing, emotional abuse and insults.
Third, do you guys really think "nice" it's the best most women can aspire to? On a world, where there's so many people available that the trait "nice" should in fact be a default, minimum requirement? What else can you offer besides a lame, basic human trait that literally anyone who's serious about dating is gonna offer as well?
Lastly, genuine men, or rather, people, are the ones who just showcase their nature without ulterior motives from behind, I know I know, 95% of you people reading it are "genuine" but let me tell you, being genuine is a pure form of personality expression which isn't constrained to a specific mood status, objective, desire, or narcissistic outlook.
It means that you will act exactly the same if you were faced towards an enemy or a friend and that you won't hide whom you are behind masks, it means, that if 100 people discuss about "who you are" 99% of them will have extremely similar opinions about what kind of person you are, granted, they let themselves get to know you at least on surface level.
It means working on things for yourself, without expecting shallow rewards, it means, moving through life, becoming better, without expecting to get sudden blowjobs for opening a door for a woman, it means getting rid of your incel ideas if you have them.
Become genuine, guys, learn how to maximize your potential, how to tackle your life and how to become excellent people through diligent work, because no woman will ever say "man I'm so in love with how much of a pushover he is, and the way he abuses me when he doesn't gets his way, it's just fantastic"
Don't be a nice guy, don't be an asshole, don't be a Chad, be genuine, this, is what it means, to be "yourself"

TheCrossbow @isee
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
TheCrossbow @isee
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ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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Avenger @avenger_senpai
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
Avenger @avenger_senpai

commented on
Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
My apologies, I had some issues understanding your plea, but if I got it right...
Basically... It's totally fine to not understand this the first time you approach the dating scene, it's fine to mess up a second time, even a third time, issue is, when you get desperate (not meaning you are or have come to this point) and get frustrated because women aren't falling in love with your double faced nature.
If you find yourself too often going from "you're really pretty" to "fuck you bitch I deserve more than wasting my time with the child from Lucifer, whore" then you have an enormous problem ...
Lastly, you don't need to date a woman to grow as a person and nurture your character and personality, you just need to experience different things, go out on the world and see for yourself how life truly is, you're meant to only approach the dating scene once you're happy with yourself, once you can offer something relevant to someone else and once you're ready to let someone in your life, to grow even further together
If you expect a relationship to fix all of your issues you'll just create a record of hatred and abuse.
If you do need help and some pointers on how to start this journey of betterment, feel free to ask me for advice, it's a tough road, hence why I'm willing to share what I learned through time

TheCrossbow @isee
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
TheCrossbow @isee
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TheCrossbow @isee
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
TheCrossbow @isee
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TheCrossbow @isee
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
TheCrossbow @isee
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commented on
Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
I'm... A male though?
I mean... It's also fine if you want to go for the other team, more power to you~

TheCrossbow @isee
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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones
TheCrossbow @isee
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