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Women don't want "nice guys" they want "Genuine" ones

I just want cuddles and memes. Cooking would be optional but preferred since I can't cook anything without using a microwave
Gonna throw out my opinion on this matter. But nice guys can also be genuine? I've never been in a relationship, but I've always been myself and that's how I've been able to make the few female friends I've had over the years.(Or friends in general I suppose) Sure, I've been rejected a few times but that was after I got to know the person for a good while. The first one I knew for about 4 years and it just didn't work out since she just wasn't into me. Was I hurt over it? Sure for a good long while but who wouldn't? But I learned to get over it. I'd never lose a friendship over it and that's how I've been able to maintain my friendships even if the ones that didn't last long due to busy lives. I've cared about friendships more than seeking a relationship. But there are guys who are desperate, mentally unstable, or lonely that'd they'd toss a friendship even if that significant other had a bf or wasn't interested in them. It's honestly quite sad... And very rude and it shows immaturity really. Like why were you even friends in the first place? Just because you've had ulterior motives and didn't get what you wanted? Everyone has different qualifications for whom they are seeking it's not just about you. If they're not interested in you, you just can't force someone to like you, or being a complete ass. Try and understand the perspective from the other side. Be happy with who you are, listen to ones problems when they are down, get to know more about them and in due time it'll happen at some point in time.
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Really, it shouldn't matter. It's all about being a decent human being in the end. No one likes a shitty or scummy individual regardless of gender.
I agree Eternal. Just be a decent human and shit will turn out fine in the end.
Indeed. One must become the Layton. xP https://www.blockfort.com/wp-content/uploads/9814/3092/7454/ProfessorLayton.jpg
I just literally had a convo with my friend about speaking riddles every sentence and I would deck him at that point. xD
Seraphim is a cool guy by the way, probably the coolest man! He likes monster girls so his cool meter is 10/10
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