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Boy Hairstyles Long vs. Short

What do you guys think about boy hairstyles? I allways get told I should wear my hair short because it looks better that way, but personally I prefer long-ish hair. But somehow it feels like theres quite the negative stigma with males having longer hair
Is it their life or urs? Live it like u whana!
Oh it's not like I change it because of other people(except for maybe my grandpa cause he's kinda oldschool and it makes him happy, so it's an easy way to make him happy on hsi birthday etc), I just kinda want some other peoples generell oppinion^^ The viking style long hair looks pretty epic, sadly I can't grow that kind of beard
In my opinion just do what u like. I colored my hair to blond in 7th grade of school and all said i look horibel with it bur still keept it. Didnt really care since they were only fake friends
Feb 01, 20 at 10:52am
Depends on the guy and his style I suppose. I've tried growing my hair out, but it never grows much past a certain point to where I could even put it into a small pony tail lol. I clean shaved the other day and I'm going to try doing so awhile instead of just maintaining a beard like I have for the past handful of years.
Oh, I have been back and forth with my hair. Even now I bounce between failed attempt to become an Anime protagonist and standard military cut hahaha! Long hair has always been a journey since I was a child. From the early age of 4 many confused me for a girl. I still remember walking into a bank with my mom holding my hand and the teller at the counter immediately saying "What a beautiful little girl! She takes after her mom I see. Would you love a lollipop honey?" A common comment I would get into my 20's is that I looked exactly like my mother! However I never could get my hair to grow past my waist like her. My mother has Sephiroth length hair to give you an idea of what I originally aspired towards. When I turned 21 I finally was able to grow a beard, but that turned into an adventure as I learned my face is apparently a ginger! Suddenly I couldn't even order a sandwich at the Burger King without the cook yelling at me from the back, "we don't serve Irish!" (Real thing that happened) People at work will always ask why I dye my hair too! I even had to explain my mixed hair color 3 times to the same person lol! Honestly I have come to the conclusion that medium length hair with a 5 o'clock shadow on my face is the best option to keep people from confusing my gender or making weird comments while still looking nice.
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I've kept mine on the longish side since I was a kid. Helps me keep the rock star dream alive lol. I'm just starting to get it down my back again.
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