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Wolf's Rain

Wolf's Rain is an old show from the mid 2000's but I often think back on the series for the music and themes. Not the greatest plot with characters dropping in and out with little explanation, however the idea of the 4 main protagonists' journey resonated with me growing up. Toboe and Tsume were my favorites. Plus Blue was just precious. Anyone else like the show despite its narrative flaws? https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/disneythehunchbackofnotredame/images/f/f2/Wolf%27s_Rain_%28Anime%29.jpg
Jan 08, 20 at 9:36pm
I loved this show even if it confused the hell out of me the first time I watched it. But that may be because I love wolves. It also had some good themes of what identity.
Jan 08, 20 at 9:37pm
I've always meant to finish watching this
Happy to see you were also a fan Ookamil! Uberemo, the good news is Wolf's Rain isn't a long series. Four of the middle episodes are literal recaps that can be skipped. That was probably my biggest gripe with the series was that middle padding that should have been used to fill in the mysteries that were too vague to understand without delving into fan fiction territory. Like the Nobles' being aliens from another world that used earth as some sort of colony of sorts. The native humans all having been corrupted wolves manipulated by the Nobles. What even was Darcia really? I know the manga was short with even less answers but still. If a series deserved a redo I would say Wolf's Rain deserves it. The ending is by far the most emotional I have gotten in a series besides Death Parade.
http://www.techsmart.co.za/data/ckuploads/2014-07-07/wolf_rain_by_noive-d3mht2s.jpg http://www.techsmart.co.za/data/ckuploads/2014-07-07/Cheza_full_387792.jpg
Woah this looks sick I'll have to look into this i love obscure anime
It was niche for the time but you should find it easy enough.
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