Bad Relationship Advice.

Rorik Senpai (3D Artist) @thecave2317
Bad Relationship Advice.
Rorik Senpai (3D Artist) @thecave2317
Tell me the worst relationship advice that you can come up with. No Filters (which means you can make it as controversial as possible too, have fun!)

<teddy>~temposenpai~ @unknowngirl
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Bad Relationship Advice.
<teddy>~temposenpai~ @unknowngirl
always go for the shins

GameOver @literallgarbage
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Bad Relationship Advice.
GameOver @literallgarbage
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Bitch please @tabris
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Bad Relationship Advice.
Bitch please @tabris
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r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Bad Relationship Advice.
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
If you're about to do the deed, tell her to bite the pillow because you're going in dry

Bitch please @tabris
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Bad Relationship Advice.
Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
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Bad Relationship Advice.
Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Bad Relationship Advice.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Openly admit that you are an Otaku on the first date while wearing a t-shirt with your favorite waifu! Then steer every conversation she wants to have into a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure reference.

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Bad Relationship Advice.
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio

zacknero03 @zacknero03
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Bad Relationship Advice.
zacknero03 @zacknero03
Opener: Hey, ugly (or anything else negative)"
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