The number 1 thing you look for
Tsumi @tsumi
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The number 1 thing you look for
Tsumi @tsumi
The hair on top of their head.... ^^;;; I have a thing for good looking hair, especially when it matches the features of their face which is what I look at next.
Penna @penna
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The number 1 thing you look for
Penna @penna
Physically? Her scent is kind of important. I've dated really nice girls before but they had certain smells that just rubbed me the wrong way. I hated how much it affected me actually. But I'm not sure that's what you want.
....This is difficult for me... uh... I have a hair fetish... .... ... but... iunno if it really "matters".... ... *thinks* .... I guess in the end it's her waistline. Not that I have a huge problem against larger women or that I think it wouldn't work out but I'm a decently fit person and there are times I'd like to be with someone who could physically keep up with me in activities. Would be more fun. Would be more interesting.
xypho @xypho
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The number 1 thing you look for
xypho @xypho
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AoAGeneral @aoageneral
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The number 1 thing you look for
AoAGeneral @aoageneral
The heart and soul.
yukako @yukako
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The number 1 thing you look for
yukako @yukako
I look for physically a guy with a great smile.
Cero @cero
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The number 1 thing you look for
Cero @cero
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Nakama @jacob1
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The number 1 thing you look for
Nakama @jacob1
Random things depends on the individual them self and a cute laugh.
legionwrex @legionwrex
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The number 1 thing you look for
legionwrex @legionwrex
Eyes really do it for me, but also long hair. Also red heads.
Izumi25X @izumi25x
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The number 1 thing you look for
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Lasting beauty. This probably is vague so let me explain. I apologize in advance for the length of this epic.
Someone who is not forcing themselves to the gym JUST to lose weight to find love, but because they honestly like it / wanna take care of their body. Otherwise once they find someone they will slack off like Slaking. Someone who is naturally fit / high metabolism, or who works out regardless of how others feel, doing it for herself and own enjoyment.
2. Realness, not bathing in makeup. I know many like makeup, piercings, tattoos, etc. I won't exclude such ladies from my life, but i mean those who are almost like Two Face or Joker or a female Mr. Mime, putting as much material on their face as a sweet tooth likes frosting on their cake! Believe in your own natural beauty! Because if you stop one you find someone they are in for an awakening... And if you continue who knows how many chemicals humans will continue adding to these things which you apply to your face...
Comfort! I am probably in the minority but heels do not in the slightest turn me on. I am 6'01" I understand not too many gals are gonna be my height. That doesn't mean she has to try to match me perfectly nose to nose... Much more importantly I am worried about her well-being... Her toes, her plantar fascia, the pressure on her heels, and knees, possible effect on the spine... I am not gonna be looking down there anyways, I will notice other parts of her outer beauty than footwear... Let's start with her face, her hair, her skin... Ah and speaking of comfort if you are the same person I talk to when you are wearing sweatpants or yoga pants, mini-skirt or jeans you are oozing all sorts of awesomesauces... Put simply if you can't run and jump with it without difficulty or worry (heels, pencil skirts, formal clothing) not a turn on for me :P
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