The number 1 thing you look for

Phoenix @animecountryboy
The number 1 thing you look for
Phoenix @animecountryboy
I was reading a survey the other day that talked about the number 1 thing people look for physically in someone. i can't remember what it was, but i thought i post a topic on here and take a pull.
For me the number 1 thing i look for in a girl is her eyes. i am not talking about color or size... but just those eyes that you just look in and get lost... there is just something about eyes and how they can show you the deepest parts of someone's soul.

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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The number 1 thing you look for
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I agree with you Animecountryboy...It's been a long time since i've seen eyes like that. But I enjoy a woman's that smile you get when your snuggling and they just generally enjoy your company or when your doing something you both enjoy. ^_^ can't get enough.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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The number 1 thing you look for
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Amen!!! Sad how when i try and bring something like this up with most guys they say "Bigger the boobs the better" or "A nice ass" or something like that... i have never once got anyone who once said the anything regarding the face(other than me)

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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The number 1 thing you look for
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
Gentleman are a dying breed my friend.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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The number 1 thing you look for
Phoenix @animecountryboy
it was like someone said to me last week "You are a gentleman and one of the few left nowadays I am afraid"

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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The number 1 thing you look for
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Lets see in my case is a woman's scent is the one physical traits that could trigger my senses. Although I do enjoy getting real close locking eyes. Although I will avoid it at times. I can be dark at times depending on how the weather is. I scare my sister that way lol. A woman's voice is a big deal to me also. So I guess I can'tpick one thing. My must have are usually personality traits and emotional level of comfort.

- @machina
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The number 1 thing you look for
- @machina
For me it'd have to be cute feet. I know it's weird but it's just who I am X3

stickmichael @stickmichael
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The number 1 thing you look for
stickmichael @stickmichael
I love sexy slender legs.. Cant always have what you want though..

mobored101 @mobored101
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The number 1 thing you look for
mobored101 @mobored101

Zen94 @zen94
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The number 1 thing you look for
Zen94 @zen94
physically I would say generally fit not super athletic but someone who takes care of themselves
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