How did you find maiotaku?

smuteczek @smuteczek
How did you find maiotaku?
smuteczek @smuteczek
I'm curious. Me, I've found a post about it on - an imageboard for women. I'm not really a weeb but I'm interested in people so I decided to give it a try; also, some of your anime recommendations are good.

ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
This account has been suspended.

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
I did my yearly routine of gags with checking in on Fakku dating to find out it was nowhere to be found. I looked up on YouTube on what happened to Fakku! Dating and was pretty sad about it shutting down, then a video by the same youtuber followed about a similar site.
"MaiOtaku? Oh, I'll give this a go then."

Ren @ren_amamiya
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
Ren @ren_amamiya
Yep, same thing for me, found about MaiOtaku when I found that Fakku had shuted down xddd

CAC @cac
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
CAC @cac
Used the Google.

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
Lishifu @hakutaku
An acquaintance from another social website introduced it to me :D, because I love anime and crosscultural communication~

llemurr @llemurr
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
llemurr @llemurr
I was told by a friend, who ironically has never used it.

standino98 @standino98
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
standino98 @standino98
Google spat it out to me when I was looking for people to talk about anime with, like 3 years ago. Then I forgot about, and found it again by chance.

Yeet Overlord @master_of_pears
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
Yeet Overlord @master_of_pears
So I typed weeb dating, first result was this, this is how I was birthed on this site

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
commented on
How did you find maiotaku?
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
Actually same.
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