Views on our always want for power

Yu @metaljester
Views on our always want for power
Yu @metaljester
The conundrum that is the struggle for the power

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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Views on our always want for power
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
"When the power of love overcomes the love for power, the world will know peace."

Yu @metaljester
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Views on our always want for power
Yu @metaljester
True that is definitely correct unfortunately our want to make ourselves happy constantly impedes that when people have something that makes them feel great most will strive for more it is their nature to do so this is why we do not need power at least most because once you have it you want more thats when it starts controlling you

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Views on our always want for power
Phoenix @animecountryboy
where is that quote from? i know it, i just cant remember where it is from.

marc0 @marc0
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Views on our always want for power
marc0 @marc0
well kind of natural, sadly it exist in all beings, people always want more, but when someone reaches a state of real ilumination, that he has found an answer to his urges for power is when he can be truly happy, sadly thats more like a concept, the urge of power is always there in people, but I think is more like some people can supress that urge better than others.

Yu @metaljester
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Views on our always want for power
Yu @metaljester
Yes very true

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Views on our always want for power
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Power is a double edges sword, with it someone can do great things, but also very bad things. A good leader... one who truly cares for his people, can lead his people through great trouble. However a bad leader (wither he is incompetent or just a "bad" person) can lead not only his people but the world into darkness and hardship.

Yu @metaljester
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Views on our always want for power
Yu @metaljester
yes that is true power corrupts and protects

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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Views on our always want for power
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I've been thinking about this issue a lot in the past year. Power is not needed at all. It's like that super easy to get super strong narcotic. Unity is what is needed, unfortunately it's like that unstable element that can only be created for a fraction of a second before it breaks down into lesser elements. The only solution? We the people of the coming tomorrow need to be better than the people of today and yesterday. Make actually friends in other countries, and refuse to harm those friendships. Put others before yourself and stick to it. Love everyone as if they were you, despite anything that you might not personally agree with. This is the way to achieve peace and unity. ^_^ hope y'all agree

Yu @metaljester
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Views on our always want for power
Yu @metaljester
Yes i have heard that before even pondered on it myself but people are free thinking no matter how good a world is there will always be chaos you have to have chaos for peace to be possible one cant exist without the other if you do obtain peace for the world there will be a time when it will revert back
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