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Reasons to Live

Jul 22, 19 at 8:37pm
Ghost, I know it's a lot to live up to, but I try. I mean, he gets it all without ever having to actually have a job. Some day, some day.
Jul 22, 19 at 8:37pm
I don't know how to function normally without these thoughts always being on my mind. I can't help it, and all that professional stuff just kinda masks it for a bit
Jul 22, 19 at 8:37pm
ye try tinder or somethin like that if you want human contact get outside more, go to conventions ect easy fix honestly
Jul 22, 19 at 8:38pm
Lee, Ever meditated? Better yet, do you know what meditation is?
Yus go outside don’t think Tinder can suck nuts though
Jul 22, 19 at 8:40pm
Those are very achievable goals, Lee. I don't know the scope of the professional help you've gotten but have you shopped around? I went to probably five doctors until I found a therapist I worked well with.
Jul 22, 19 at 8:42pm
I have already tried Tinder but that doesn't really work (No matches after about 6 months on it, just people looking for money or drugs near me). As for meditation, that's pretty hard for me as I have ADD (Also medicated for that) and can't concentrate or relax that well still.
Jul 22, 19 at 8:44pm
go to a convention or something or watch sitcoms so it feels like your not alone
Jul 22, 19 at 8:44pm
As for professional help, I have been between 3 different doctors and 1 therapist, as well as a counselor in High School and an on-campus counselor currently in Uni. And 4 different ADD meds and 2 different antidepressants.
Jul 22, 19 at 8:45pm
Ghost, That too. Gotta figure it out. I'm currently a guinea pig for finding what antidepressants work for me and will soon enough be going to counseling to better understand how to function. Can't give up. Hell, I had a bit of a mental break down about a week ago and kind of hinted at want to kill my self(Bad mojo that antidepressant was. Shit was wack, yo.), my wife admitted that actually got her a little irritated that I'd think so selfishly.... Point being, find your reason and know that you may be anothers reason too.
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