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Reasons to Live

Jul 22, 19 at 8:27pm
Yes, I have gone through professional help with a therapist, doctor (And medication), and I already have a cat. I have and will continue to live, but I will always be depressed about it.
Jul 22, 19 at 8:29pm
Are still getting professional help or maybe getting into something to change your mindset?
Jul 22, 19 at 8:30pm
I mean, if Shrek does it for ya. I have posted pictures before, even of my son, but I feel no need to allow my beauty to grace the site of you plebians. And may I reiterate, damn I put too many essential oils in my bath, shit burns a little, yo. All in the name of a sweet taint. But, I digress...
Jul 22, 19 at 8:31pm
Lee, What's the one thing you want most out of life at this moment?
Jul 22, 19 at 8:32pm
lee, same happens to me im on antidepressants but i still get pretty depressed (im going through a depressed phase now too) like, death would be a sweet release from the pain kinda depression sleep being the only relief and dreams being better than reality honestly, i cant find what makes the pain go away i have people who love me and a cat i love, but still the pain happens you gotta accept that your brain is blocking the good chemicals and thats all it is depression doesnt = suicide ever seen bojack? a huge portion of a few seasons has been about happiness https://i.redd.it/8u8b35mrejo01.jpg
Jul 22, 19 at 8:33pm
@yass I really doubt you could meet Shrek's raw sex appeal. :p https://i.imgur.com/I27vXMe_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
Jul 22, 19 at 8:33pm
I don't want to be alone. In that way, I mean actually having a family and relationship and meaningful friends in real life and not just wasting away on technology all the time
Jul 22, 19 at 8:33pm
happiness is fleeting, its the carrot on the stick that keeps you running on the treadmill of life if happiness is what you seek, youll never find it http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54f15cffe4b04c134f83f186/5a8218c4e2c48390bd70e2cc/5c515698c74c501c83a6baa8/1548836825652/tumblr_ojp687Af3e1vbbcoto1_500.gif?format=1500w
Jul 22, 19 at 8:35pm
Lee, But, then here you are. What do you think you should do? I'm just asking to make you think. I know you know, but you may not truly know. Ya know?
Jul 22, 19 at 8:35pm
Oh. Tinder (shrugs)
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