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Reasons to Live

Jul 22, 19 at 8:08pm
his name is yass-hat, silly dat boi
You're literally a lamb you can't even talk r e t a r d. (wow I hope noone takes this seriously. I see a lot of MO is very memeologically weak)
Reasons to live? Tell me when yall found it cuz im still looking
Jul 22, 19 at 8:13pm
dont use the r word unless you have a learning disability that is our word, kthx
ok retard (it's ok i have difficulty learning to let go of grudges xd)
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Jul 22, 19 at 8:20pm
Don't survive to live. Live to survive. Life is more complex than the next step or thing. Life is moments, moments that each have paths upon paths. Buuuut.... I'm just a fool starting back on antidepressants because shit 'n stuff. Sometimes I wonder how things might be different if I took my own advice. But, such is the mystery of life. And with that, I regret nothing, except scholastic decisions, financial decisions and my temperament that has become to close to my dad's.XD If you must choose a montra, make it a life to live lively is better than just living life.
Jul 22, 19 at 8:21pm
if you need someone, get a dog or cat they depend on you and are always happy to see you, no matter what and they never judge like seriously, if your allowed, get a pet
Jul 22, 19 at 8:24pm
I wanna put the breaks on this and just say that while essential oils smell good they burn the skin. My bath doth feel lively. That's right, here's an image to scare the life right back out and into you....I'm naked... In a bath...As I type. ;P
Jul 22, 19 at 8:25pm
@yass have you posted a pic on here? You could be super handsome for all we know.
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