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"Incels and Nice Guys"

I just criticize tone and how the argument was being presented itself and that dat boi said a buzzword, just because Is anyone even arguing that those “self described” nice guys are actually not nice guys. No, it’s really easy to make that comment, of yeah they’re bad.
Jul 16, 19 at 5:11am
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Jul 16, 19 at 5:11am
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Jul 16, 19 at 5:11am
I'm not "tied to phrases," I understand that the sum of a phrase is greater than all of it's independent parts. English is full of these, I literally googled them because I couldn't think of any off the top of my head. Check it out: "bite the bullet," "break the ice," "barking up the wrong tree." I have used literally all of those, and they all mean something different than what the words themselves mean. Independently, "nice" and "guy" are perfectly harmless. You use them every day. But due to the meaning that society has placed on the phrase "nice guy," wrongly or not, it no longer means someone who happens to be a guy and happens to be nice. That phrase is now a BAD thing that people should vehemently avoid associating. This is coming from a guy who used to consider himself a "nice guy" 10 years ago. I used to defend people that call themselves "nice guys" because maybe they were just slow on the uptake. But it's been fucking years. At this point they're just being stubborn fucks, and this isn't the right hill to die on lmao. Holding yourself above "I hate myself, I'm a bad person, I'm a piece of shit" doesn't make you an incel. I never said that. Same thing I told PM. There's a place between sucking yourself off and hating yourself. That's the place to be. Realize that you aren't perfect, but you aren't the worst thing out there. Realize your strengths AND your weaknesses. I've given my umbrella to a lady running the other direction with a baby while it was pouring rain and, as such, got soaking wet, but hey, I wanted to help the baby. That was nice of me. However, I also saw an old person fall down some stairs and decided it wasn't my problem. That was mean. No one else was around. I should have helped. See, I don't think either one of those makes me a "good" or a "bad" person. I'm just a person that has good moments and bad moments. It's not bad. It's not shameful. But it's not this incredible feat that I should be recognized for either. It's being human. Sorry my posts take so long lmao. Unlike PM, I try to make my posts legible xd
Loki maybe not which hell are you going I will be going to japanese hell to be with my shiro :3
Loki in this day and age expect everything to be shit unless contested otherwise. Just like how we should expect the 50th self insert Isekai anime to be
Jul 16, 19 at 5:15am
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The thing I was getting at is I wanted to see where you would go with what you were saying David. I just think it’s funny though that Dat boi said you were tied to phrases but used “SJW”
Jul 16, 19 at 5:15am
Shit, I missed a lot lmao
You know what would be great. An anime with the most original non generic looking guy in a harem anime and make him absolutely awesome, handsome, and humble. Then put a bunch of incel whatever’s in front of it strap to a chair. Wait nvm shoujo exist and normal people exist
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