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"Incels and Nice Guys"

im sorry pm did sjw mean something before? am i missing the moment where it changed from one thing to another cause im talking about the term nice guy being a term for some weak seemingly undesirable person who has good qualities to a braindead douchebag who fakes being the previous meaning
Jul 16, 19 at 5:19am
Jesus christ, may she rest in peace.
I’m getting at something in relation to what you said later on to david’s Point and the fact you said tied to phrases. In response to what David was saying in the long post
Tied to phrases Sjw Oh well
i either dont know what you mean or you dont understand my point but my small brain is getting uninterested in this thread now but ye
Jul 16, 19 at 5:35am
Guys, I can't believe I have to say this. If someone asks you if you're a good person you don't SAY you're a good person. It's a FUCKING TRICK QUESTION. You say "I try to be." It's a bullshit question that's on par with "Is water wet?" and "What do I have in my pocket?" Any serious answer you give means you lose that social exchange. You either give them a neutral answer (I try to be), or try to out meme them by asking "Well, what is good?" But please don't do that because it becomes a philosophical shitshow. For the intellectual integrity of everyone in the room with you, please, for the love of god, don't make it a philosophical shitshow. No one cares. Like, "Yeah, you know, I guess I consider myself a good person." is acceptable, I guess, but you should shy away from it. If one of your friends or someone that knows you comes in and says "Yeah, David is great. He's so nice and patient." and proceeds to sucks your dick without you asking them to you just smile, thank them, and either return the compliment if it's appropriate or say "Yeah, you know, I try to be. But sometimes this asshole over here just fucks my ass too hard." And slap the most homophobic guy you know right on their manly, rugged bottom. Boom. Done. You have just become the most power man on the planet. Obviously I'm joking... I feel the need to clarify since some of us here are incapable of understanding jokes lmao
Your a pretty Nice guy David
Jul 16, 19 at 5:38am
Thanks, I try to be.
Jul 16, 19 at 5:39am
See how easy that was?
Jul 16, 19 at 5:40am
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