Who's getting back into EVA?

markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Who's getting back into EVA?
markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Now that EVA is on Netflix, which will be the first time for many people to watch, who's getting back into the series? I might being watch some of of it tonight.

Marcus @marcus_k
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
Marcus @marcus_k
no yoUUU NI
shouuuNEEEEN yo
shiiiwa Niii NAAAREEEEE!!!!!!

CAC @cac
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
CAC @cac
Was never out of Eva, but I'm only waiting for the last movie at this point. Seen the show enough times back on Adult Swim already.

cupcakerin @cupcakerin
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
cupcakerin @cupcakerin
Not for now but might watch it with friends who haven't seen it. Might get curious about the new dub too.

xxx @__removed_gurren921
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
xxx @__removed_gurren921
WHERE IS 3.0 +1.0!?1
But it’s cool it’s on Netflix now.

,.,,,, @anyuchi
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
,.,,,, @anyuchi
I got really excited when you saw it on Netflix, I will definitely rewatch

silvereye @silvereye
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
silvereye @silvereye
Time to buy some netflix stocks.

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Still waiting for the 4th movie... and fan service!

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
Lishifu @hakutaku

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
Who's getting back into EVA?
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Hideaki Anno better fly my ass to the moon!!
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