New Hobbies?

Haruu @haruu
New Hobbies?
Haruu @haruu
Have you guys picked up a new hobby recently?
For me, I recently got into doing my own nails. I used to go to a really nice and fancy nail salon after visiting a couple of bad ones in hopes of having a better experience but rip. The experience wasn't significantly better. Turns out doing your own SNS or gel nails is pretty cheap and easy if you have the proper materials. Also, I save $70 every 3 weeks now LOL.
So, have you guys picked up or mastered anything recently? I forgot how fulfilling it is to get really good at something new. Any suggestions on other hobbies to get into?

CAC @cac
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New Hobbies?
CAC @cac

Neverland @dakoya
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New Hobbies?
Neverland @dakoya
I'm starting to get into magic and card tricks.
My sisters started pumping out babies 2-3 years back and I want to be a cool "magicky" uncle lol

Onizuka @averageboss
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New Hobbies?
Onizuka @averageboss
I have lots of hobbies, and don't really have time for anything else, without dropping something unfortunately. Anime, video games, board games, reading, exercising, and table top minis games pretty much fill up my plate. That last one also come with all the assembly, painting, basing, and sometimes other steps involved. I am down to the last 9 models of a 180 model project I started in December though.

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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New Hobbies?
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
This account has been suspended.

Kenji @kenjiharima
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New Hobbies?
Kenji @kenjiharima
Only new thing is I started to build Gundams.

Lishifu @hakutaku
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New Hobbies?
Lishifu @hakutaku

I have developed a few new hobbies lately
1.papercraft 2.Kalimba thumb piano 3.collecting stamps and postcards 4. TeChou/Handbook

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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New Hobbies?
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Not really a new hobby, but I've taken up juggling again recently.

shashine @shashine
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New Hobbies?
shashine @shashine
I've picked up piano. I used to play video games all day long but there was a time where I thought I want to do something else. I want to do something to express myself, also because I'm not the best with words. So expressing myself in a creative way, was the original thought. And I really do like music, I listen to music pretty much all time no matter what I do! So I thought I could pick up an instrument. So I decided on the piano :)

artoria @artoria
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New Hobbies?
artoria @artoria
I bought a Wacom for myself as a bday gift and I only recently started experimenting digitally
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