Humanity and Space Travel

Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
Humanity and Space Travel
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
SpaceX is setting its sights on Mars, Nasa wants to set up a moon base. We're finally reaching out again for the first time since the space race ended. So what do you all think? Do we need to focus more on Earth, or are we destined to spread across the solar system?

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Humanity and Space Travel
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
We've got to start somewhere. The earth won't matter in a few billion years, while what was born on it, might if humanity can succeed within the stars.

CAC @cac
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Humanity and Space Travel
CAC @cac
I wish I could still be alive when we travel to different planets easily.

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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Humanity and Space Travel
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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CAC @cac
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Humanity and Space Travel
CAC @cac
Sadly :(

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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Humanity and Space Travel
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
Have you ever heard of the idea of putting cloud cities on Venus?

Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
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Humanity and Space Travel
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
I have, a cool idea just really really expensive, and not very sturdy relative to other kinds of bases. Venus is one of my favorite planets though so going there would be amazing.

rayelight @rayelight
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Humanity and Space Travel
rayelight @rayelight
If I could just be cryogenically frozen and thawed out in a time where I could potentially be a starship captain...that'd be great. ^^;

Bitch please @tabris
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Humanity and Space Travel
Bitch please @tabris
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ultra_seb @ultra_seb
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Humanity and Space Travel
ultra_seb @ultra_seb
We could develop the Earth by going to the stars. I think that as we progress on our journey to space, we come together in good terms and work as a team (International Space Station for example). I would love to live long enough to travel to Mars
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