One Happy Thing Every Day

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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One Happy Thing Every Day
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I had a great day today. God was good to me. Can't ask more for that!

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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One Happy Thing Every Day
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
Me and my gf only fought once. Other than that it's almost our 1 year anniversary with no fights only just the one. I'm proud of us. And, especially proud of myself it was hell trying to mature as a narc but all my work paid off.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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One Happy Thing Every Day
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Christ be praised for helping you to grow. Thank you for listening to him in your times of spiritual need! It's encouraging for many of us to learn of your progress and reflect where we ourselves could improve.
May God remain the everlasting pillar when our own structures fail to uphold the lives we lead!

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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One Happy Thing Every Day
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
@gabriel_true Amen. Praise be to the most high I couldn't of done it without him.

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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One Happy Thing Every Day
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
My gf finished spice and wolf season 1. So we will get to watch season 2 together on my trip this month.

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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One Happy Thing Every Day
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
Finally understood how to acknowledge my emotions. Always read about it but never knew how to do it. Just figured it out. Life's good. No more being ensnared by the emotion for extended periods of time causing disastourous rumination. Thank God.
If anyone struggling with this technique we hear alot about. What helped me was upon feeling the emotion I would tell myself what it is and where is from as a way of acknowledging it. And, not fight with it or engage with it in anyway. I just let it pass me by instead of being sweep away by it.
Example: Emotion comes I acknowledge hey that's the pain from being ugly. Normally this emotion would hurt me because I'm fighting with it. They say not to fight with the emotions. I get it now. The emotion usually hurts because I myself wanna be beautiful. So I'm at odds with the emotion. And, it causes me to judge myself and ruminate till I'm depressed. But, if you don't fight it and say oh that's just the pain of being ugly and let it pass you by it doesn't get control over you cause you didn't engage with it. Now it's gone instead of the emotion trapping you in judgment in rumination. Same can be done for the pain we see in this world when it happens upon your psyche. We all probably want the world to be beautiful so when the emotion that it's not hits. We can just acknowledge that's the pain from lack of beauty. Instead of being at odds with the emotion and becoming depressed by the conflict you find yourself in. The emotion telling you it's Bleak and you want it to be beautiful so your depressed. If you don't engage with the emotion and just say hey that's the pain from lack of beauty you can actually see it for what it is... Just a reminder to do something good. You don't have to engage with it and spiral into it's right I should give up hope. It's not a reminder to add more hopeĺessness to the world. It's just a reminder to do some good. Hope this helps someone else. There just reminders. Example: That's just the pain of being ugly. Reminder: I should love myself more because of that feeling. It's not meant to hurt you and consume you. It's not a reminder to hate yourself more. That's all I got. Hope it's useful for anyone who struggle with acknowledging emotions.
I thank the great and good teachers God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for this revelation and take no credit for it. I'm just a vessel. God is good. Example:
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