
Anime Newbie Girl @animenewbiegirl
Anime Newbie Girl @animenewbiegirl
well I'm new to anime and hoping to meet new friends on here who loves anime and manga^^ Which I can tell you do, anyway my first anime I am watching is Dragon Ball Super because I finished watching the original series. Can I ask what anime's you can recommend me to watch

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Welcome welcome!
Hope you enjoy your stay.
If you like some Dragonball then you'll probably like One Punch Man

sushie @sushie
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sushie @sushie
Welcome and enjoy! Make lots of friends! My Hero Academia is nice. There's a lot of good ones!

iron @iron_is_after_love
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iron @iron_is_after_love
I would recommend D-grayman and jojo bizarre advantages

Ritual Sacrifice @deamongod
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Ritual Sacrifice @deamongod
Hey nice to meet you, I can recommend some stuff for you to try! I'll message you after adding, and ask what your looking for.
Hope you enjoy the site and get along with everyone you meet!

CAC @cac
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CAC @cac
Welcome to the site!

Anime Newbie Girl @animenewbiegirl
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Anime Newbie Girl @animenewbiegirl
Thank you all for the new anime's I'll be watching soon!^^ And thank you also for welcoming me, I forgotten to tell you that I love Visual Kei hehe https://pa1.narvii.com/6526/4c6a71e0cc9482b1c9a0331f6ab98671c63b486a_hq.gif

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
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Darius Nack @otakueaterd
welcome to the crew

Jessie @erendel
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Jessie @erendel
Hello there, welcome.

asurato @asurato
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asurato @asurato
Hajime no ippo, the artstyles pretty different but if ya can look past it then good lord the fight scenes are CRISP
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