Sup peoples

muff1nz @muff1nz
Sup peoples
muff1nz @muff1nz
I'm a few days late on introducing myself, things got quite busy :(
But anywho... Hello!

CAC @cac
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Sup peoples
CAC @cac

Twigloo @treez_
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Sup peoples
Twigloo @treez_
hey dude! welcome to the site. there isn't much to do here, but feel free to post some lewd anime girls on my wall

muff1nz @muff1nz
commented on
Sup peoples
muff1nz @muff1nz
@treez_ Lmao I got you fam.

Neverland @dakoya
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Sup peoples
Neverland @dakoya
^ while you're there please take a look at my long rant to treez_ lol.
Also welcome... *cough cough*
I'm the "Unwelcome Welcomer"... *cough cough* the lorax *cough cough*... now.... if you had a choice to pick the "red" pill and go further down the rabbit hole, or take the "blue" pill and leave this site, losing all memory of ever having come here... what would you pick? *cough cough* pick the blue one *cough cough*....
Anyhow, I hope you can find what you're looking for on this site. Also I read in a forum thread on this site that most people use the site for lurking and for shit-talking. Soooooo, if you stick around beyond the 1 week mark, maybe I'll see you lurking around or shit-talking a bit more?
*cough cough* blue PILL *cough cough*....
If you're a bro and looking for some hoes... I welcome you to the shark tank (not the smart one, the one w/ thirsty wizardly sharks... i hope you got the reference)
If you're a girl.... beware the sharks.... and prepare for trouble... make it x9999 or more, let's not be too specific... but yea ~___~
Buuut looking at your profile pic, you might like bros.... in that case, I totally "welcome you"!!!!
.... yea... anyhow I think I'll stop here for now... my mind's a mess (wandering all over the place, must be due to the madness in the hat - madhatter)...
(trees = pessimists and negative bros and what not....)
So... *cough cough* I speak for the trees *cough cough* and I hope you make some buds and get a smoking SO... (SO = significant other, but if you add a B, it's Son of a B**ch)

Shaun @shaune
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Sup peoples
Shaun @shaune
*cough cough*

muff1nz @muff1nz
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Sup peoples
muff1nz @muff1nz
Thank you for you for the welcome. Was an interesting read I have to admit, and now I gotta see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Btw do you guys need something for that seems like it's getting pretty bad O_O

sushie @sushie
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Sup peoples
sushie @sushie
Welcome to the site! Enjoy the toxicity and positivity at the same time LMAO hopefully you meet a couple of friends along the way you can meet up and enjoy life with xD

ahoge @ahogealewd
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Sup peoples
ahoge @ahogealewd
I'm even later at welcoming you, so a late welcome to MaiOtaku. :)
Hello hello!
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