Looking for otakus in ME/New Engand area
Aysiel @shiroku
Looking for otakus in ME/New Engand area
Aysiel @shiroku
Not alot of otakus up here :<
Meems @meems
commented on
Looking for otakus in ME/New Engand area
Meems @meems
Well I'm from your area. That makes us awesome right?
Lucky_Channel @lucky_channel
commented on
Looking for otakus in ME/New Engand area
Lucky_Channel @lucky_channel
I'm not but the whole Family on my dads side lives in Rhode Island. I frequent there often enough
Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
commented on
Looking for otakus in ME/New Engand area
Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
I'm in CT I got two Cons coming up in the new year, I'm off to Boston with friends and then to Hartford for Connecticon which I have a free all weekend pass for as I'm a volinteer there XD I think I missed my chance for a free hotel room though.
Kirito @kiritok
commented on
Looking for otakus in ME/New Engand area
Kirito @kiritok
I live in RI. gotta say not many people from the New england area on here, which is disappointing but oh well
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