Ima new person here ^.^

ZombieKill55 @zk55
Ima new person here ^.^
ZombieKill55 @zk55
Hiii, i'm pretty new to this site...
Me? i'm crazy, gamer, otaku and a non-stereotypical Emo...
Wanna chat? come drop me a message ^.^

reyuse @reyuse
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
reyuse @reyuse
Welcome to the site.

mikorinuwu @mikorinuwu
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
mikorinuwu @mikorinuwu
Welcome! ^o^)/ I hope you enjoy your stay ^^

Baka @reinhardt76
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

. @vezax
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
. @vezax
Emo! @Marcus he is from your race~

sushie @sushie
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
sushie @sushie
Welcome welcome!

ZombieKill55 @zk55
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
ZombieKill55 @zk55
Thanks for such a warm welcome, this is such a nice community i can tell :P

Marcus @marcus_k
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
Marcus @marcus_k
Hahaha, I see I've been summoned xD Damn you, Lauging_Ai
Welcome, man!

riku_fumiyo @riku_fumiyo
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
riku_fumiyo @riku_fumiyo

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Ima new person here ^.^
Lishifu @hakutaku
What is a non-stereotypical Emo like?Is a non-stereotypical Emo less depressed and needy than stereotypical Emos?
Welcome to the community~
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