Do love really exists ?

Satonashi @satonashi
Do love really exists ?
Satonashi @satonashi
This is only a theory by the way not my opinion on anything!
Throughout history of species evolution the only kind of love that existed was "Instinct survival" which consisted in finding a partner reproduct and take care of your babies until they grow up. Animals doesn't feel any kind of "emotions" regarding love.
Nowadays human completly separate from this, since we are so many on earth we fall in this kind of "Selection" Society give us this perfect notion of love since we are kids through the movies publicity books anything... Society want us to believe in those things it wants to give us a purpose to give birth.
But the truth is love is very controversial and doesn't make any sense the only thing we stand for are "emotional urges"
Let's make an example Mr A is in love with Ms B they are together since 2 years Ms B encounter that new fresh Mr C Which is single and a better version of Mr A. They both have this connection but the only thing that stop any kind of relation is the fact Ms B is already taken.
Why wouldn't Ms B go with Mr C ? Why would she lie to herself, this guy is objectively better she doesn't want to spend her life with Mr A anymore.
And this is all due to genes the best the genes are the best result you'll get for having kids with that person. That's what everyone is looking for that's why you are so attracted by very geometric faces because you know your kids will have most of those attributs and will have advantage of their life experience.
That is probably why this wedding thing is so important to the eyes of society once you are married you can't just leave someone you are stick to him it's not that easy anymore to leave that person regarding to the other people.
So then "love" is just about repressing all those feelings you can have with other person than your partner. Love is about lying so that's not as pure as everyone is trying to explain us.
I think that's it I just needed to talk about this somewhere they might be some mistakes and miss understanding due to my English but that's one way for me to see "love" :) Sad indeed xD

Baka @reinhardt76
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Do love really exists ?
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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Do love really exists ?
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
I think you mean "does" love exist.

Satonashi @satonashi
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Do love really exists ?
Satonashi @satonashi
@Dark Prince of Audio My english is not that good indeed but I only hope you will get my point :D

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Do love really exists ?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
No. He meant Do. And that's fine

Whisp @whispywoods
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Do love really exists ?
Whisp @whispywoods

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Do love really exists ?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Yes, yes love DOES exist. Do you love your parents or family? Do parents (Most, anyway.) not Love their children unconditionally? Love is not always a sexual thing or even the chemical"feels" part that most certainly is important in relationships. Love is not just about attraction or genetics. I'm not particularly Christian, but here's a little quote that kind of sums it up " Greater love hath no man than this, that he give his life for his brother.". In other words, love is sacrificing of oneself for the betterment of another. I don't need to work 70+ hrs a week, but I do so for my wife and child. I didn't need to get married, but I did because I want to share my life. Love is not something fuzzy, warm or always inviting. Love is protection, love is giving things you'd otherwise not, love is giving of yourself and love is a willing sacrifice. You are talking about attraction/infatuation and while not bad things, they are not intrinsic to love.

cupcakerin @cupcakerin
commented on
Do love really exists ?
cupcakerin @cupcakerin
I wanted to copy-paste Rick's opinion on love but I have to agree with yaasshat. Love is why you do such things for others, not some brain drug that makes you wanna be with someone else and reproduce.

. @vezax
commented on
Do love really exists ?
. @vezax
Oye oye! There are some inconsistencies in your example! Natural selection is not that simple that a woman would prefer a guy who is better than the one she loves. Natural selection and other forces of evolution's end goal is survival.. and that includes not just the physical/mental attraction but also the surity/security that a person can survive and let their kids survive. When you love someome/marry someone you again look for this surity/security since you plan to commit for a long time and in such cases if you go away with a better guy/girl later in life not only does that jeopradise your already existing surity/relationship but also makes the new person feel insecure since you might do it again. So by natural selection again you would need an emotion like 'love' which would bind a person to another whether they find better people later ahead in their life or not. So love is not about lying or repressing your feelings or illogical, it is an emotion which like many other emotions follows the laws of evolution.

115 @siruboo
commented on
Do love really exists ?
115 @siruboo
besides three living creatures on earth the rest of the animals dont have emotion and that added emotion doesnt mean love is more real. thats my take if that makes sense
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