The Prologue and the Journey

yukkuri_lu @yukkuri_lu
The Prologue and the Journey
yukkuri_lu @yukkuri_lu
Hello, my nickname is Lu. I enjoy being open about myself and having a comfortable time with others. I'm looking forward to welcome new people into my life.

reyuse @reyuse
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The Prologue and the Journey
reyuse @reyuse
Welcome to the site.

CAC @cac
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The Prologue and the Journey
CAC @cac
I see, welcome.

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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The Prologue and the Journey
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
This account has been suspended.

mishamoonkun @mishamoonkun
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The Prologue and the Journey
mishamoonkun @mishamoonkun
Hi Lu! :)

Baka @reinhardt76
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The Prologue and the Journey
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

Guida (Sal) @salganha
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The Prologue and the Journey
Guida (Sal) @salganha
Are you ready to sell what rests from your social life to this nerds?

Jessie @erendel
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The Prologue and the Journey
Jessie @erendel
Hello Lu, welcome.

hydrolysis @hydrolysis
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The Prologue and the Journey
hydrolysis @hydrolysis

zanevogel @zanevogel
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The Prologue and the Journey
zanevogel @zanevogel
Welcome to the site.
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