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Aug 02, 19 at 1:11am
Checking if Hanatan has released anything lately
Aug 02, 19 at 1:40am
My Mod Duties https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11133/111336695/7020336-homelander.gif
you monster!!! YOU ONLY NEED TO BAN EM NOT KILL EM!!! OWO!!!
Aug 02, 19 at 1:44am
This account has been suspended.
Aug 02, 19 at 1:46am
why are there so many new people and this one likes Hanatan? sorry if i sound crazy but i thought she was underground and too many weird things have been happening.
Aug 02, 19 at 1:47am
Down, Charles! What of the oath thou hast sworn upon the peoples of our kingdom!
Aug 02, 19 at 1:50am
@Siru: The influx of new people is no doubt the from the power vacuum left after Lamby gave the boot to Tsundere-chan. Without the mountains of spam and bad trolling, there is no one left to detour the uninitiated from joining the site. We are rebuilding.
Aug 02, 19 at 1:50am
thinking about crazy things. kinda think i need to leave the computer for a while before i go insane. probably too late
Aug 02, 19 at 1:51am
so im not going crazy?
Check it out. Choco. Oh Charles....no need for extremes unless the member is way out of hand and all other tactics failed. Me? I'm about to sleep after I lurk around MO.
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