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The spooky paranormal topic

Oh yeah I remember the cat lol @tigereyes11
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Jun 25, 20 at 11:53pm
If it was anything it would %200 be demons. I was an edgy teen who played with Ouija boards and promised my soul to like 6 demons and Satan himself.
Jun 25, 20 at 11:58pm
Lolll right after I posted this my air filter right next to me that is touch screen went crazy. Turned itself on and switched settings 3 times. Time to die I guess.
Ah this old thread! Need moar stories
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Visit Volgograd in Russia, known back in the day as Stalingrad. There is something about that place. An eerie feeling on Mamayev Kurgan where the memorial is. All around the city is the place where over 1.5 million men died 78 years ago. There are many known spirits, like on top of a dormitory there is an injured Red Army soldier asking for a cigarette. There was one time where I was visiting and when I went to sleep I was awoken by the loudest sounds one can imagine. Explosions, so many of them I could not distinguish one from another. Gunfire and distant screams. As soon as it began, it stopped.
Jun 27, 20 at 7:43am
I've told this story on the site before, but the first time I ever used the oija board I managed to communicate with a spirit who was very persistently asking for questions. I can count on one hand the times in my life I've been legit shook, but that was one of them. 9/10 times oija boards don't work, but if you use it at the right time and the right place...
The fact I was born
I don't believe in any of these paranormal nonsense.
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