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The spooky paranormal topic

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Jun 24, 20 at 11:54pm
Slenderman is great (´・ᴗ・ ` )
I think there's a ghost in my room specifically a cat I used to think it was a demon cause it scratched me all the time, it would knock down my stuff, and one time I was messing with the sc filters and a second face appeared rubbing against my chest which then proceeded to look at the camera and disappear, I think it's a cat cause one time I woke up at late at night if I had to guess I would say between 2:30 and 3 and a glowing cat like figure was jumping around my room and then it disappeared, and one time my friends were over and it scratched one of them on the back of the neck and @cesi2020 can confirm since he was one of my friends who was present, oh but it doesn't scratch me anymore
Jun 25, 20 at 1:37am
I'm either not a believer or I just don't care cuz it doesn't scare me but numerous people and old roommates say my house is haunted. All the time you hear thuds and stuff falling upstairs (my room) and faucets turn on and shit. 2 months ago my Aunt was visiting and I went downstairs late at night without flipping on lights. I thought I saw her watching me in the kitchen doorway that was very close to me but I realized it wasn't her, so I screamed. .1 sec latter I was laughing my ass off as I walked towards where I saw it to flip on the lights and continued on like normal while feeling very silly. My sister is staying with me currently and she refuses to sleep without the lights on and is always telling me she hears things.
Sounds like u just don't care u legit witnessed a whole girl and laughed
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