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Um, hi.

Sep 19, 18 at 11:49am
I'm Hira. Despite what my friends and family might say, I am indeed a human being. Admire my collection of watched anime and my vidya gaems. Oh yeah. Feel free to chat. Hopefully my nature of casual shitposts will endear me to you all. Laters taters.
Welcome Hiramaky, I see you plan to watch Made In Abyss. I can tell you that it surpassed all my expectations. It redefined my standards for "Best Anime" spot. Here are some questions for you: - Are you an early bird or a night owl? - What is the longest time you watched anime non-stop? - Do you think about the origin of the universe? Just go watch Made In Abyss already! And read the manga after that!
Sep 19, 18 at 3:59pm
Hello doppleman! Thanks for the warm welcome. Yes, Made In Abyss is one of my planned to-watch series. There's another one that I can't quite remember, but it has a similar lifestyle. Care to jog my memory? Two girls in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Now, to answer your questions... I'm a night-owl. While I'm starting to get too old to handle times like 3am onwards, I enjoy the quiet and solitude of a post-midnight evening. Unfortunately having a job means I have to occasionally sleep early at like 11pm. The longest time I watched anime non-stop? Hmm. I'd say it was mid-to-late 2013, early 2014 since I'd got my first smartphone and damn it was I gonna binge. The origin of the universe is up in the air with me. While I'm a Christian and thus believe that God created the universe, it would also be far-fetched to believe it was only a few thousand years ago. It is therefore my belief that God had a lot of time on His hands. Also planning on reading the manga, too, btw. It's rough with all my shifts, but I have every intention on indulging my inner weeb that needs to see everything good. Hope that answered everything! Feel free to ask more questions whenever you like. :D
Humm. I think I considered watching the anime your talking about, but I decided not to. I think it was a slice of life in a post-apo world. Am I right?
Sep 19, 18 at 5:23pm
Yeeeeah that's the one. At the time I heard there was a downer ending and that turned me off a wee bit. But my intrigue is getting the better of me.
Ohh... Spoilers are a pain sometimes. One day, I was on youtube and I saw the thumbnail of a video titled: "Why X left X" They made such a great couple. I couldn't believe they would separate! I never watched the end of that anime... I would be too sad if the spoiler were true...
CAC @cac commented on Um, hi.
Sep 19, 18 at 6:43pm
Welcome human.
Sep 20, 18 at 1:04pm
To be honest I share a love-hate relationship with spoilers. For example, most of the time I hate having spoilers. On the other hand, spoiling the latest Star Wars movie to my sister makes me chuckle heartily. Though tbh if I didn't want spoilers to my anime I'd probably be better off not going on 4chan. :-P Also a big thank you to CAC, a fellow human bean.
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