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Best way to start

Without a doubt, I know I want to start making friends around here. Those I can chat with, especially one on one because group discussion can get a bit hectic in my opinion. The big question is how to go about it? I get a bit overwhelmed seeing so many threads with so many replies.
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Sep 10, 18 at 8:47am
What I wouldn't give for a Messenger-type app for MO.
Sep 10, 18 at 9:37am
Just start making replies on the forum. Maybe post on a few people's walls. It's not tough to start engaging with the community on here.
Sep 11, 18 at 4:35pm
Agree with rainx here.
For me I just add people, start a conversation and see how far the rabbit hole goes. It pretty much always goes to fun places which is nice! It's important you always take the initiative though, don't expect people to come to you, go out of your way to come to them and just have fun, nerd out and see where things go! Always take the initiative, that's the more important rule.
It's not very hard, if you see someone you'd like to get to know more, just add them. Then write on their wall or PM them with "Hi" and perhaps a question to have a meaningful conversation with. Be active on the forums, more people will notice you, and then some of those people will perhaps see something in you the like and want to be your friend. It's a two-way street, be the friend you want to someone you want as a friend.
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