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Most recently? About how my cat is almost 100 years old and how she has lived longer than any house cat I've ever seen so I worry when she's going to kick the bucket. I been trying to take extra special care with her lately because of it. What's the junkiest junk food you remember eating?
Aug 17, 19 at 10:36pm
as a fat kid id lick the butter off of popcorn bags (just typing that makes me shamed) if you could replace water with a different liquid to live what would it be
Aug 17, 19 at 10:37pm
Mercury just cause i think it would be cool whats the best part about your life right now
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Aug 17, 19 at 11:10pm
i write fanfic if you could change your form of matter would you stay a solid, change to liquid, gas or plasma?
Aug 17, 19 at 11:12pm
How bout a non Newtonian fluid? If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
@blissfullforce, That's kind of a loaded question. The mere consumption of media contributes to it. It's why content creators love views. Same goes for purchasing merchandise, doing fan art(which is technically a craft I suppose) or even just talking about it with others. There are many ways to give back without creating content yourself. With that said I do enjoy making prop weapons. But that's for me xD As for Yass if you mean one thing I normally couldn't eat in addition to everything else I can do and live then I'd say I'd want to be able to eat light. Plants hogging all that sexy photosynthesis. But if you mean I could ONLY eat that for the rest of my life then I'd say greens. It's cheap, plentiful, easy to obtain and I can grow it. That's more practical than limiting my diet to something I very well might find myself unable to obtain. What's something that you're very vulnerable about?
Aug 20, 19 at 12:37am
Talking about my childhood. It just brings up bad memories that i would rather forget and makes me shake. Whats something you know you wont be able to do in life but want to? (anything from going to an anime world to if you won the lottery. RL or fantasy)
Its gonna be okay KuroK....I know how you feel and I think alot of people on this site know exactly what you mean. Just look forward to those happy days still to come bro.
Aug 20, 19 at 12:41am
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