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Oh I see this was revived. @Kurok I know I can't kill 100% of germs and bacteria off my hands for some reason no matter how hard I try. Seriously speaking/typing, I know I won't be able to get rid of sickle cell. There are beyond too many obstacles in the way of me even getting close to getting cured. From personal to physical. It sucks but you gotta just fight. What's an anime where the OP is the best thing about it?
Wotakoi: Love is hard for an otaku. Seriously, I never like- NEVER skipped its OP ever. I even learned the hand sign, you must watch it so you'll understand what I mean ^~^ If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would go to Guatemala. my best friend got deported there even tho he's not from Guatemala. (Long story). Anyways, I've known this man since middle School. He's my oldest friend. Why is Mai Otaku a site you frequent?
I'd say it is because here I won't get judged for talking about anything anime related, where I live in real life anime just isn't really acceptable so I find it hard to be myself when out in public. If you could choose one anime character to sum up who you are in real life who would it be? (and why? if you feel like going in depth a bit)
Simon Brezhnev Tall, dark, handsome, loves sushi, speaks broken Japanese, can fight but rather eat sushi. Do you watch hentai? If so what do you watch? If not, why not?
No i dont watch hentai, i dont really get turned on by drawings. 3D Women just have a certain touch that i feel hentai cant capture. If you could live in any fictional story what would it be?
This is actually funny cause I'm writing a few stories and if I could I wouldn't live in any of em lol. I'd live in the DBZ universe. I'd wanna collect the Dragonballs. What Video game world would you wanna live in? (FYI for me it's breath of fire 3)
getting cucked by suess... still my answer would evtl go to sth like bioshock or maybe even borderlands LOL in any one... how about in an utopia ... I'm very curious about what humans would do under certain circumstances.. and I would love to know instead of speculate what they actually do if they would live in an utopia... no war, no hunger, enuff wealth for everyone etc.... What would you say is your end goal in life ? OWO
Sep 16, 19 at 11:16am
My end goal in life is to travel all over the world... or at least Japan. Let's say an alien came to earth and they want to know what humanity is like, but you are only allowed to show them one meme to describe all of humanity, what would you show them?
Area 51 meme, to show them we arent a threat If you had to become any mythological creature and live that way for a whole year what would you be?
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