People's arrogance

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
People's arrogance
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Don't you ever get tired of having people think that they're better than the next guy over? I know that a lot of people probably say no or feel the need to say that they never been through that situation but everybody from the 89 % to the 11%. I even go through it with somebody that stays here in New York and they are here in MO who think just because of the fact that I'm single means that they are better than me when I have been through so much and came right back into the game. some people go through that moment where a friend from school that they have not talked to for a while and getting a nice house in a brand new car and they wife and children and then say that they're better than everybody else but then there are those people who come across riches. So what about you how do you feel about arrogance?

neeto @neet_one
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People's arrogance
neeto @neet_one
I prefer to judge people by the type of person they are rather than their IRL achievement points. People who judge each other by cars, houses, jobs, ect tend to be pretty shitty people anyway. Also, I don't think having a girlfriend or being married in and of itself means much of anything. A lot of it comes down to pure dumb luck and being in the right place at the right time. I've also seen my fair share of disgusting guys married to or dating disgusting women, that's not something I envy or want and as such it means nothing to me if they try to lord it over me or brag about it.
Imagine if someone thought they were better than you because they own a car and you don't and brag about it every chance they get, even though it's 40+ a year old barely running leaky wreck that was bought for $400 from a scrap yard and costs them hundreds of dollars a month in repairs and maintenance.

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
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People's arrogance
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Wise words

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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People's arrogance
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
This account has been suspended.

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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People's arrogance
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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weebian @weebian
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People's arrogance
weebian @weebian
I'll be honest that as a child I was pretty arrogant but as I grew up I became more polite and respectful.
I think arrogance starts off with the way you're brought up or the environment you're in. My parents were the type to talk badly about people that had certain jobs. They said it to warn me about life and how my decisions matter, but as a child I misinterpreted.
Of course as I grew up I noticed the arrogance of others. Teachers are supposed to be well respected and smart, but many of my elementary and middle School teachers used it as a mean to put themselves above the student. In an environment where even people that are looking after you are arrogant, it starts rubbing on to you.
Many people seem to have forgotten, that teaching others about manners and being respectful is just as important as receiving good education.

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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People's arrogance
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
There's two sides to this... the other being people with an inferiority complex and resentment. The people that are dissatisfied with themselves and their life (but turn their backs to it rather than working towards something greater) and blindly resent the people with the things they know they'll never have.

Lishifu @hakutaku
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People's arrogance
Lishifu @hakutaku
Somebody lol.
I have to add:We can't be arrogant to people who don't share the same hobbies/views/beliefs/tastes with us as long as their hobbies/views/beliefs/tastes are wholesome(I mean few people will be hurt by those hobbies/views/beliefs/tastes).
Online, I found many tend to devalue people who disagree with them.

正義の味方 @gundamu
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People's arrogance
正義の味方 @gundamu
Eh, it's whatever. I find that the people who are obsessed with worldly possessions, allocades and "accomplishments" are generally very small individuals who are just starved for attention and recognition. They compensate for how inadequate they are in other areas with 'things'...Things they own, things they've done, things they've earned. But like space cadet says. There really are two sides to this. I'll let you decide who's more despicable of the two types. :v

Lamby @momoichi
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People's arrogance
Lamby @momoichi
in manga or anime i love an arrogant character that can back it up, like Black Star
we're all arrogant in some way or another, like lets say we know a lot about a certain anime or a general subject, we may get taken away by it, its when it becomes pompous and you put yourself above others that its a problem
who thinks theyr better than someone else because they have an SO xD? thats more inferiority complex territory
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