Hello, World

NEET0 @n33t0
Hello, World
NEET0 @n33t0
Not very good with introductions, but never hurts to try right? How's it going everyone, I am your friendly neighbourhood weeb.

- @saltypretzel
commented on
Hello, World
- @saltypretzel
Yoh! Welcome to maiotaku.

CAC @cac
commented on
Hello, World
CAC @cac
We all are lol

weebian @weebian
commented on
Hello, World
weebian @weebian
Welcome fellow weeb xD

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
Hello, World
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
Howdy! Welcome to MaiOtaku.

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
Hello, World
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Hello, World
Lishifu @hakutaku

. @vezax
commented on
Hello, World
. @vezax

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
commented on
Hello, World
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Welcome ribbit
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