Turn On?

Lo @theycallmelo
Turn On?
Lo @theycallmelo
Do you have a turn on?
Something that makes you really aroused? It can be something as normal as "kissing" or something as random as "Looking at people whom is drinking a soda that tastes like banana on Sundays"
(If this question goes against this sites guide lines, idk, take it down? Eh, I haven't read the rules. Also, if you are underage and come to this thread, and there is idk adult stuff, suit yourself. )
Lo <3

. @vezax
commented on
Turn On?
. @vezax
Can 2d waifus be considered turn ons too?

Lo @theycallmelo
commented on
Turn On?
Lo @theycallmelo
Of course, if that is what tick your clock mate.
No shame here. Unless shaming people is what you like, I guess.

. @vezax
commented on
Turn On?
. @vezax

She turns me ON

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
commented on
Turn On?
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
A turn-on for me is someone that smells good and looks good or even just dresses just wanting something to happen. The biggest turn-on for me is hearing a woman moan or groan in please.

Baka @reinhardt76
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Turn On?
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

Lo @theycallmelo
commented on
Turn On?
Lo @theycallmelo
Oh, I'm sorry for you.
Expensive shits they are.
I don't know what I would do if my broke.
So sad.

CAC @cac
commented on
Turn On?
CAC @cac
Just knowing the other person is turned on will get me going. Lots of things honestly lol.

isa-sensei96 @isa_sensei96
commented on
Turn On?
isa-sensei96 @isa_sensei96
Girls wearing thigh high stockings, glasses, or being chubby or just a little overweight (obese is over the line for me though) are all outward appearance things that really get me going. Also if she cosplays a character from a game, anime, etc. that I enjoy and knows enough about the fiction to talk in character a bit or at least hold a decent conversation about the property than it's also a big plus.

Dazai @dazai_osamu
commented on
Turn On?
Dazai @dazai_osamu
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