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taiguarasul @taiguarasul
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taiguarasul @taiguarasul
Greetings, I'm new to this site and don't know how things work, but I hope not to leave this account on the shelf.
Just read that this site is developed by 1 person??? Congrats for the owner of this site for the amazing job, and keep up the good work.

CAC @cac
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CAC @cac
Yeah....there are some things that need changed but it's pretty cool.

. @vezax
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. @vezax

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
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Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
Howdy, and welcome to the site.
Wait, it was developed by one person? We must bake them a cake. How are they with an ichigo (strawberry) cake?

Aerone @aerone
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Aerone @aerone
Hello and welcome to the site.

taiguarasul @taiguarasul
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taiguarasul @taiguarasul
Thank you guys

Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
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