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Is there a time and place to lash out at your ex?

Okay a few days ago I wrote something about my ex who literally decided that after 8 months she literally gave up on me and told me that it doesn't matter anymore. today she came to me wanting to say thank you for everything that I've done and decided to tell me that if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be the person that she is today. But instead of trying to fix everything that she has done by coming to see me and trying to talk things out like adults.... She stalled and told me that she is now a lesbian or bisexual as I have nothing against bisexual women and I have no disrespect to any but it just pissed me off that everything that I have done for her was completely bulshit and I told her she just block me don't talk to me anymore and just leave me alone as I finally realize she has this whatever personality as I should have learned about this in the beginning but we all learn from what we do and now I learned that I made a big mistake by getting back with her for so many years. Now I want to ask is there a time and place for ranting on an ex who feels the need to rub in her relationship?
Who knows really if there is a good time. I'd say there isn't. I'm in a similar situation, after 7 years my ex decided she didn't love me anymore and is now with a girl. But I knew she was bi from the beginning.
why do u want to lash her? just block her and move on with ur life.. dont give her even that much importance to lash her out :P
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Thank you very much as I needed that as I give respect to all of you who give your two cents as I am just done with her and I'm hoping that now I can finally finally move on and not just turn back on my word and let her have the satisfaction.
I hope your able to :)
in public? never in private? if its constructive or you need closer, it could be alright
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