Hi What up

Silas Karlisle @silaskarlisle
Hi What up
Silas Karlisle @silaskarlisle
"They say the best offense is a good defense, and Satomb and I know just when to turn the tables"
That's what me and my Bey agrees on! Oh I'm a RP girl who does Beyblade Rp, it may seem weird that I love to Rp as Beyblade Characters but I just love it. I also do love other anime's and games, a-anyway hi everyone

Neko Genos✨Saiyan^w^♡ @huntergirl
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Hi What up
Neko Genos✨Saiyan^w^♡ @huntergirl

Nyaa hiya welcome to Mo nyaa!^^ I love Beyblade and I really love Silas, it is not weird that you like the stuff you do nyaa. Just have fun and make lot's of friend's nyaa.

CAC @cac
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Hi What up
CAC @cac
Well ok..... RIP

Silas Karlisle @silaskarlisle
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Silas Karlisle @silaskarlisle

@Neko: Thank's a bunch and you are now my Rival!^^
@CAC: Uh? Thank's

rockzake @rockzake
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Hi What up
rockzake @rockzake
Welcome to Maiotaku, hope you make a lot of friends here.

Silas Karlisle @silaskarlisle
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Hi What up
Silas Karlisle @silaskarlisle
@Rockzake: Thank's I hope so to

senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls
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senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
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Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
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