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Magic The Gathering?

@arc I gotcha, any souces I can find pricing on my cards? I am now curious to see my collection. Years ago I got a bunch of cards from my stepsisters EX (I was in 5th grade)
May 15, 21 at 9:52pm
@projectotakux I typically look on TCG Player for market value.
card kingdom is also nice to check the prices
Are the strixhaven commander decks any good?
oh and the Kaldheim edh decks are actually cheap, are they any good?
May 22, 21 at 6:42am
I bought some Kaldheim singles but to break my habit of buying out of every set I really avoided Strixhaven. Arc bought me the Liliana from the set because I'm collecting them. It looks so cool I now want to look at other Strixhaven singles. https://media.tenor.com/images/414cfbcdb8b79f16249a6197b96d4e7d/tenor.gif
May 22, 21 at 7:08am
@projectotakux Whenever I want to check the value of my cards I typically use Ebay first to know the street value. Sometimes it is much lower than TCG player if the site happens to have a shortage of a certain card. I love how in the ebay app you can see the card sold history in the past 3 months so you can see how the prices have been trending.
ack online shops have ran out of Elven Empire precons. Local game store sells the precons but need to be bought in pairs. what a scammy move, it's been like this for years and it's hard to buy single precon commanders
My playgroup doesn't want to test my decks on untap. maybe I should just play in mtgo, decks are cheaper and I don't have to do math haha
May 24, 21 at 10:14am
@foo_fighter Our playgroup was deep into Magic at the end of last year and everybody just started building these brutal decks. I think our group hasn't played since Jan or Feb. People were getting crabby. I think the only way to keep playing is to have multiple groups. You learn each others decks, and you learn their playing styles. Half of the decks I've made are just to counter the way other people in our group play, lol.
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