
UnDeadBan @jonathanh
UnDeadBan @jonathanh
Ok hear me out in all possibility if jiriya had figured out pains identity quick enough wouldnt he have won the fight and not died

neeto @neet_one
commented on
neeto @neet_one
Do people seriously still like that anime or is it some kind of satirical joke at this point?

cancer_hime @cancer_hime
commented on
cancer_hime @cancer_hime
Dont want to be the SJW mom, but even if it isnt sarcastic you can let the kids play with the balloon. It's going to pop on its own someday anyway, no need to be the senile man running after them with a pitch fork XD

UnDeadBan @jonathanh
commented on
UnDeadBan @jonathanh
I mean it was a good show \:

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
IT was a good show until the war. It ticked me off with how many good characters we lost. I hope he doesn't make the same mistake with Boruto. Idk about the jiraya assumption. Since there was a bigger villain behind pain the plot would probably somehow keep moving, and since pain had a connection with jiraya it's possible he would find it harder to kill him.

Amrod @amrod
commented on
Amrod @amrod
Jiraiya would have survived if he knew how their trick worked. Or at the very least he would have escaped.
Actually If I remember correctly, Jiraiya had the opportunity to escape but chose not to. I think he decided to face Pain because he was his student. So he sent the Toad Grandpa ahead instead.

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
SO either way jiraya probably would die either way than amrod?

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
"Was" naruto was a good show. It didnt hold that title for long. Honestly i liked everything before shippuden and then i dropped it. Naruto, one piece, and fairy tail are all overrated

BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
BurningHalo @burninghalo
I enjoyed Naruto and most of Shippuden :P

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Well it's actually stated that Jiraiya was stronger than Naruto, in sage mode at least, when they both fought Pain. Naruto just had a plan to beat pain where J didn't. That said, half of the Naruto fights are based upon figuring out your opponents jutsu and then beating them with it. Naruto definitely had an advantage over Pain, and Jiraiya would as well if he had the information. So you could say if Pain knew all of their skills and how it worked, then he would of won.
Blind vs Blind though, Pain would of won those fights. The only characters at the time who would maybe win, would be perhaps Sasuke(As naruto claimed he was stronger than him, when meeting him at the summit, that was before EMS), Raikage, and well that's probably it really. Maybe Bee? Pain was pretty high up there at the time.
Now of course Naruto's far stronger than pain once he unlocks the Nine tails power, it wouldn't of even been much of a fight. But at that point in time. No.
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