Regrets and gains from 2017

Lamby @momoichi
Regrets and gains from 2017
Lamby @momoichi
What are your biggest regrets and whats your biggest gain from this past year?

shinu @shinu
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Regrets and gains from 2017
shinu @shinu
I feel like I came out pretty even, I don't tend to do things I'll regret. If I regret anything, it's the lack of change in my life.

Lamby @momoichi
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Regrets and gains from 2017
Lamby @momoichi
well said

brendan_james @brendan_james
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Regrets and gains from 2017
brendan_james @brendan_james
No regrets. Gained so much. $ experience/knowlage, enjoyment, closer with friends and family, just wish i had someone to share it with <3

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Regrets and gains from 2017
Lishifu @hakutaku
Not regrets.The biggest gain:a better understanding of myself.

sadjester @sadjester
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Regrets and gains from 2017
sadjester @sadjester
Gains: Learned a new language, adapted to a more healthy lifestyle, started to play the piano and learned so much about myself and other people. Yay!
Regrets: Hurt some people by accident.
All in all not too bad. Still a long way to go though.

lilithotaku @lilithotaku
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Regrets and gains from 2017
lilithotaku @lilithotaku
This account has been suspended.

shinu @shinu
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Regrets and gains from 2017
shinu @shinu
My biggest gain is probably a sweet new Santa design sweater I bought for half off a few days after Christmas, along with a bunch of discount candy.

Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Regrets and gains from 2017
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
Regrets : Not forcing myself to work harder.
Could've been productive. Practiced art, made music, learned coding languages, developed lore for my game, worked out, could've been more social with friends, could've gotten a job.
Gains : Made lots of friends. A lot of stuff I cba to list like self improvements and decisions.

. @richaadokun
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Regrets and gains from 2017
. @richaadokun
Regrets: Not doing a single thing to combat my anxiety this year. I work a full time job in a warehouse basically by myself for a decent part of the day, then for the most part I go straight home to play video games and watch anime. I used to go to an arcade once a week, but got fed up with how they started operating their ITG 2 machine, so now I just play Stepmania at home. My attendance to my pokemon league for the TCG has declined, I just sometimes go for the tournaments that happen once a month. I've basically turned into a recluse, I have no social life outside of the internet, and even that has declined.
Gains: Literally the only thing I've gained this year is some money through investments, I think it's the only thing that keeps me a little bit happy at this point. It really excited me until at a family gathering for the holidays, I was asked if I had anything new and exciting going on in my life, and I realized that was pretty much the only exciting thing going on in my life. Pretty lame actually.
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