Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?

ouma_adam @ouma_adam
Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
ouma_adam @ouma_adam
With the amount anime fans who are female, when it comes to meeting them even at a local anime club or book store with manga...not a soul is to be found. They attend cons, cosplay, and share deep enthusiasm just as much as guys yet finding a anime or even gamer girl for that matter IRL is entirely one sided and makes it seem like we're just dreaming or these type of girls don't even exist.
Is it that despite their interest in anime, maybe they don't like guys who are into it? Or embarrassed to talk about it in public?
It's just odd that the activity you see online or at cons would make it easier yet at times seems impossible.
If they truly exist, where would you even find them?
Sometimes I wish people weren't so discreet about anime, it's just a regular interest/hobby.
To build off the thread if a guy should make the first move, sure that's fine, but how when there are no given moments? And if there are, it's usually at the wrong place or wrong time a busy con

wullahblack @wullahblack
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
wullahblack @wullahblack
Two ideas. Look around at girls wearing anime shirts.
Two, do you live near a college town? Like a university? Go there. Look around.

Earl Grey @saber
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
Earl Grey @saber
I hear you. It's a real challenge.
One thing I notice: from what I see many times, the ladies are often into different series than the guys are. This often creates a disconnect and makes it harder to break the ice and stir up meaningful conversation - even if the guy and gal are both into anime or manga. The only real advice I can offer is to try out some shoujo series and maybe even cosplay as a character from such a series (one that you enjoy at least) when you go to conventions.

azanarchy @azanarchy
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
azanarchy @azanarchy
Well I can tell you that I used to go to comic book shops all the time when I still hung out with my friends, always on the hunt for new games to play either at GameStop or used stores if I can find a better deal and find what I’m looking for, bookstores quite often to buy manga. I don’t go around wearing a light up tee shirt that says anime/gamer nerd on it so maybe it’s not obvious when looking from the outside. I will tell you that when I’ve promoted in the past for cons the places I would put flyers would be hot topic, Spencer’s, gamestore, bookshops, places that would sell things like bubble tea, and the library.

Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
There are a few anime girls in the world but there mostly shut-ins who rather play mystic messenger or be hidden from the world.
Some of them are like normal people but hide themselves from non anime fans.

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Rain @rainx
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
Rain @rainx
Conventions are going to be your best bet if you want to go the IRL route of meeting someone. That's usually the best place to find an even ratio of guys/girls in the fandom. Panels are a good place to say hi just because it's a topic the person is interested in, and in turn, it's almost a natural ice breaker to strike up a conversation about something. Just keep in mind you have to be very careful with how you approach and interact with girls there. Given the whole creeper/"#metoo" that's become prevalent on social media nowadays, being a complete stranger to someone, you're working against that on top of a lot of girls at cons aren't necessarily even there to "find" a guy and there's always the chance they may be taken as well. It's just something any guy has to be mindful of nowadays.
The best luck I've had in the past (as well as others I know) has usually been the "friend of a friend" kinda situation, which gives you a natural (albeit partially indirect) in to say hi and potentially get to know someone with having a mutual acquaintance fwiw.

inter_change @inter_change
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
inter_change @inter_change
From what I've seen with convention forums if a female cosplayer/otaku posts something about going to the con alone and wants some friends to hangout with nearly all of the replies are by males. Even if it's not a date thing you have all that to work against. My suggestion is to find a new hobby and keep your anime love a secret. Then when you find someone in that new hobby field gradually introduce her to anime and succumb to weaboo powers. Does it work idk I think too much.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Have you ever wondered if girls feel the same thing as well? Because I've heard plenty of them say they can't find good partner material who enjoys anime and the like where they live. Honestly, we all know they're around and they definitely exist - hell the sheer amount of guys and girls who love anime on this site are proof of that but when it comes to IRL, maybe we're just looking in all the wrong places we simply don't notice them even when they're in plain sight.

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Virtually impossible to find girls who like anime IRL?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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