How do I form a relationship with a girl?

MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
What I want to know is how I talk to girls? What I mean by this is how do I become friends with a girl and not lead her on, how do I become friends with a girl and not have her think I like her, how do I get into a bf/gf type of relationship with a girl,ect. In simple terms, how do I talk to a girl normally and how do I talk to a girl if I like her. I'm asking this on behalf of all the guys out there..but..mostly for myself xD
The reason why I'm asking is because I always end up like Kirito when I get close to a girl I want to be friends with but I always end up like Hinata(or worse) when I talk to a girl I like.

BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
"The reason why I'm asking is because I always end up like Kirito when I get close to a girl I want to be friends with but I always end up like Hinata(or worse) when I talk to a girl I like."
Maybe look at how you treat girls that you like as a friend vs how you treat the ones you want romantically/sexually. How you approach, how you talk to them, hell how much you talk to them. Probably gonna notice a theme if this is how it constantly is for you.

wugi @wugi
commented on
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
wugi @wugi
Honest bro
there isn't for sure win secret for anyone, theres no one keys unlock all and this topic can really go on forever so ill be brief.
Its pretty easy to drop signs to a girl that you only think of her as friends. Like for the most part don't hangout one on one with her and talk about other girls that you like when your with her. That should be pretty clear your not interested to date the girl. Also you can make references on how you think of her as a "little sister" or sibling kind of relationship, if shes down to earth, all her bro friendly. Apart from sitting her down and having "that talk" with her lol.
This is prob the tough one, and honestly, to pursue or date a girl, your goal is to love her and receive love back. With love there must be choice and the ability to choose who you love. Love is always a choice and who you choose to be with or love, is exactly it, who you choose! They should be special to you and you should treat them specially above all others because thats who you choose. Basically expressing o her that she is in some ways, better than anyone else in the world.
Now you might do this and some girls might find you super creepy. and you argue that you treat her as you would think being specially treated is. And i would say your problem here, is "your" definition of what special treatment is. and the girl you like might just speak a completely different love language than you. Figuring out the love languages is pretty important as it tells you how to love someone to the best way that they would like to receive it. There a book called "The 5 love languages" thats a good book to read.

wugi @wugi
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How do I form a relationship with a girl?
wugi @wugi
"Like for the most part don't hangout one on one with her and DOOO talk about other girls that you like when your with her."

Cero @cero
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How do I form a relationship with a girl?
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
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How do I form a relationship with a girl?
MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
I guess for the girls that I liked, it was the approach that was the biggest problem for me. Subconsciously, I already like them so it's hard to make the first move. How do I approach a girl that I like? I can't approach her like she's someone I want to befriend. I just consciously do it. Talking with them and having a relationship I find it to be a lot easier. But I'm not too worry about finding that type of relationship atm. I'm more concern on how to befriend a girl. It's easy to approach them because I subconsciously don't see them as a girlfriend but it's hard to talk with them because I fear they might end up liking me. But wugi, I like how you said call them "little sister" or "sibling" I remember I did that once back then and it helped..but that girl slowly stopped talking to me eventually. How do I keep a long-lasting close relationship with a girl that's a friend?
I guess you can say my biggest flaw (or not) is that everyone I want to be friends with (guys and girls alike) we usually hang out a lot and talk about serious things. that's how we become close I seriously have to tell a friend girl that I don't like her the way I like a girlfriend? I tried that a few back then but eventally we'll stop talking with eachother. How can I get close with a random girl just as a friend?

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Simple, talk to them like you would anyone else. You're setting yourself up by thinking they'd think you want more. They're not some alien species, they're human just like you.

MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
commented on
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
MyNameIsAlwaysTaken @mynameisalwaystaken
yaasshat: that's what I'm doing. it ain't working. we may be friends for a few months but we'll eventually stop talking

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
How do I form a relationship with a girl?
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Yaasshat is right. Talk to them like you want to make a friend. No one night stand. No hit it and quit it. An actual start to a relationship. If you two are comfortable with each other after awhile, then tell her how you feel. If she says "no" then it's just that. No. A lot of times I still am friends with girls after when they said "no".
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