Anime Database

dekudan @dekudan
Anime Database
dekudan @dekudan
Yeah, I'm running into the same problem.

Dragnbludthrsty @dragnbludthrsty
commented on
Anime Database
Dragnbludthrsty @dragnbludthrsty
I can't seem to add things at all. Starting to think this site is dead.

CategoryKing @categoryking
commented on
Anime Database
CategoryKing @categoryking
I don't know what the process is to get an anime added, but I feel like there are way too many duplicates. Something like Sora no Otoshimono for example also has Heaven's Lost Property as a separate entry, even though it's the same show with the English version title. This really needs cleaned up and controlled. I'm just sticking to sharing my MAL account until then.

CAC @cac
commented on
Anime Database
CAC @cac
Yup, it's not setup very well.

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Anime Database
Aerone @aerone
You might have to bring it up to a Mod and they should be able to offer some advice as what to do.

CAC @cac
commented on
Anime Database
CAC @cac
Mods/admins you'd think would regularly keep track of this folder like and other site.

marldain @marldain
commented on
Anime Database
marldain @marldain
Cannot add anime missing from the database.
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