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Civil War Is Coming

Oct 06, 17 at 11:31am
*rolls eyes at gud and just begins ignoring him*\ shinu i actually like talking about abortion because in the belief, i tink abortion is indeed murder i believe so is planb to me life begins when the cell divides and the process begins my mother has reemed me for this belief as she thinks life starts when the baby can live on its own (aka when a premi baby can live outside the womb) but the thing is, thats MY personal belief and i will not force it onto any other woman idk her life idk what came to her being pregnant and neither do you in the end its her choice and her burden to carry having an abortion isnt easy, it stays with you forever and it is not a decision thats taken lightly if she has cancer and the treatment will kill the baby, what should she do? if a rapist impregnates a girl, what should she do? if a girl is impregnated because of incest what should she do? if shes pregnant and her parents would kick her out because of it what should she do? in areas where abortion is legal crime rates go down and guess what? women have always been having abortions and we will still do it, whether in an alley, in mexico, or in a clinic where two lives dont need to be lost i understand that the feeling of ending a life to be and your mind flooding with possibilities of what its life could have been is depressing, but whats more depressing is keeping in mind that most women who have abortions are young poor single mothers and understand that kids life would most likely not be a fruitful one
Oct 06, 17 at 11:35am
Do you think a man watching a woman put his own blood child to death is alright? Well, I've got news for you, this shit puts men in deep depressions. Even rises the rate of suicides. It doesn't solely affect the woman.
Oct 06, 17 at 11:38am
robert, thats SOME republicans, just like some democrats are more conservative in nature a liberal republican? hell yeah id vote for that person the views of a person stand out far more then the name of their party
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Oct 06, 17 at 11:48am
Lamby, we happen to agree on that front, it seems. To me abortion is just another killing, but I don't exactly consider it morally wrong. Society can decide for themselves what is or isn't morally acceptable. As far as I'm personally concerned, if it was my child I would never want that, because I would feel an attachment to it intrinsically. But I don't, won't, and can't feel any attachment to babies that are barely existing that I couldn't even know about, and so I don't feel that it's morally unacceptable to... for lack of a better expression... get rid of those lives. I'm pretty neutral as far as abortion is concerned. I find myself arguing for abortion when others say its unreasonable, and I find myself arguing against it when others are on the other side. I simply want all sides of the argument to be clear, so that everyone can make an informed vote on the matter.
Oct 06, 17 at 11:50am
My political views most closely align with libertarian views, outside of military, police, and drugs. I would absolutely not call it Liberal in any way, or even Republican. Libertarians have generally conservative ideals. Limited government in *every* aspect, which naturally opposes many of the liberal ideals which rely on government to make them happen.
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Oct 06, 17 at 11:55am
Don't get me wrong. I don't argue against abortion in special cases. Most Pro-lifers aren't the all or nothing crowd the media depicts. You'll find that a lot of us have zero problems making exceptions such as with rape, potential lethal birth, etc. Thing is we want that to be the EXCEPTION, whereas pro-choicers want it in every instance. Including just because they decided to have sex and now don't want to deal with the consequences. That's what we loathe, using abortion to avoid personal responsibility. We have no problems when it involves serious issues for it.
Oct 06, 17 at 12:01pm
Almost everyone supports gay marriage. The majority of people who don't support gay marriage are against it due to their religious beliefs, rather than their political beliefs, and of all the people who are religious, most of those people also still support gay marriage. Almost everyone supports protecting the environment. The major disagreement in environmental concerns lies with what humanities exact impact is on the environment and what specifically the consequences will be, as well as what we should be doing about it. Libertian's want to seclude themselves from the business of the world, which means no wars. This is where they differ from Republicans the most. However this is also a contrast to Democrats who don't want to be in war, but would love to have their hands in other countries. Recreational drugs is a hot issue, and it's generally something I don't generally pay attention to.
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