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Civil War Is Coming

Honestly what Dagger is explaining sounds more like the beliefs of the Wahabbism sect of Islam which is indeed the dominant sect in Saudi Arabia right now, though more accurately Wahhabists who wholeheartedly believe in Sayyid Qutb's ideology. I personally know many muslims who don't believe in any of that crap, people who immigrated from the middle east too mind you. Hell, I have family who practice Islam too. You have to remember that "lol it's because of the religion" is never a proper answer for any faith's issues, culture and historical context plays a part too. The Wahabbists of today believe they need to purge the western influences that have 'corrupted' the middle east, which is kinda ironic because far right groups in western countries believe they need to purge non western influences that will 'corrupt' their values. You can see for yourself how easy it is to get people to answer that type of rallying call. "All of your problems are because of THEM not US!"
Oct 06, 17 at 11:12am
@Lamby: No, I don't think she should have been beaten. However the head male in the family sounds like he needs a good talking to. Sad thing is, those hijab wearing women? For the most part it isn't a choice. If her man or dad wants her in a hijab, she goes in a hijab.
Oct 06, 17 at 11:12am
shinu, i know theyr not a party based purely on oppressive minorities and women >w> maybe im not phrasing myself right? im sorry if thats how i came across but alot of the time they DO target women and minorites like i recently got a notification on my phone that trumps trying or has idk these political terms xD make it harder for women to acquire birthcontrol and im sorry, but abortion IS the womans right and her right alone the baby grows in her and feeds off of her if shes married i can see more of an incline to have the husband involved, and i wouldnt be suprised if thats already a thing, but other wise its her choice and hers alone the group that republicans take the most and hurt the most is the poor and less well off :/ not women the most or minorities the most the poor the most
Oct 06, 17 at 11:16am
First off, you're listening to MSM outlets who have demonized Trump all year and then some. Stop accepting sensationalist headlines and do some independent research. Like, did you realize the Trump Admin is working to close the wage gap by getting more women interested and educated in STEM. Yet Girls Who Code (organization that is supposed to do exactly that) refuses to work with Ivanka due to politics. But Trump's the evil Hitler guy. ...Right. Edit: Hell, I enjoy Fox News for the most part. But I recognize that they're MSM and I don't tend to just take them at their word.
The right and left both suck... and they're both idiots... Extreme points of view are bad all the way around. People agree with conservatives because they have some good points. People agree with liberals because they have some good points. Both sides are right about things to a degree. But when you are so extreme that your point of view is the only correct point of view. You're right and anyone else with a different point of view is wrong... There's no middle ground, no compromise... Nothing good gets accomplished. That kind of mentality is what brought about the crusades, the Nazis, North Korea, and radical Islam. And Extremist on the democrats and republican sides are no better. One way of life does NOT work for everyone. If democrats only pass laws good for democrats, then half the nations needs are being ignored. And vise versa. And that's the issue with our country as a whole. Neither side will listen to the other. Neither side will compromise and find something everybody can work with. The only thing they can agree on is voting themselves pay raises. Anybody who listens to those close minded people are idiots. It shouldn't be one or the other. There should be a balance of both. They should be working together for the sake of everyone. Not bickering and fighting over what side of the fence they're on.... There shouldn't be a fence to start with. It's the Berlin wall all over again.
Oct 06, 17 at 11:19am
Lamby I'm sure you don't believe that a mother can throw her child away after they're born, even though she's the mother. The child has the right to life. The difference of opinion is on when that right to life starts. You probably aren't comfortable with a woman aborting a baby that's days away from being born, right? So the right to life starts before birth. The problem is that even if you have a concrete answer for when the right to life starts, it's all the opinion of our society as a whole on what rights we actually have in terms of the law.
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Oct 06, 17 at 11:25am
@Weasley: You're not wrong. In fact you just hit the nail on the head as to why the Right is having a big resurgence in the U.S. Many new/current Republicans used to be Libertarians, Independents or hell, even former Liberals. But the increasing Authoritarian attitude of the left is what pushed so many further right. It IS the response.
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