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Civil War Is Coming

@Gudmoore So is everyone who disagrees with you a commie or something?
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I apologize about deleting my anti Islam Post that Lamby Responded to, I realized there was another Topic and was trying to avoid this happening when I saw no one responded.
Oct 06, 17 at 10:59am
@gun pretty much robert thats the nations problem, theyr using the worlds of a holy script to control the people its not gods fault, its not a book full of pages fault its not a religions fault the best way to control people is oppression, strict religion, and a common enemy outside the state there was a girl at my school who was harassed for wearing a hijab and being muslim, did she have it coming? a woman wearing a hijab, clearly arab, once pulled over to the side of the road specifically to give my mother a coat because it was snowing out and my mother was outside such a terrible thing muslims are, arent they? also, most terror attacks are domestic, they just arent thrown across the tv screen like terrorism is gun violence has killed more people in american then any american war but muslims are the key problem gotcha b0ss
Oct 06, 17 at 10:59am
honestly, when thinking about it brass that is what this thread is about its about the divide in issues between the two parties so go right ahead
Oct 06, 17 at 11:02am
I want to clear up some misconceptions here. Republicans don't want to take away any women's rights or minority rights. Equality is the the ultimate goal. Some policies are seen as an attack on rights by others, but they certainly aren't intended to be that way. In the case of abortion, it's an attempt at protecting the right to life, and the difference in opinion is at what point does life start. By fighting to increase the power of the right to life, the rights of the persons involved in making a choice regarding the matter is reduced or taken away. However, not only does this not target the woman specifically, but it also concerns the man or the prospective father. The woman has to deal with the physical aspect of pregnancy, but it's still a joint issue in the end. As far as minorities are concerned, I think this in general is just a huge misconception. Affirmative action is not equality, and reparations regarding the past are also not equality. The major inequality regarding minorities is the lack of any policing at all within minority neighborhoods, or just not enough of it. Equality is 1:1 on an individual basis. Equality doesn't mean "you belong to X group so your life is judged based on that". Men, Women, and skin color have nothing to do with equality. It makes no difference if you're black or white, if you're a boy or a girl. It should be just as illegal to discriminate someone based on the color of their hair as it is on the color of their skin. Instead of seeing minorities, men, or women, how about within the eyes of the law we just see "people"? Of course there are differences, and we can accommodate those differences, but there's absolutely no reason that those accommodations have to propel a particular group over another group.
Oct 06, 17 at 11:05am
So Lamby is going after guns now? Still par for the course, damn near becoming a stereotype of a "liberal". And no, just those that adopt traditionally Communist ideals I call Commies. You're free to think it's stupid, however you haven't stopped and put in the proper research into their literal blueprint. Please, go read Rules for Radicals. It's a pretty short book and it will open your eyes to how those people think.
Oct 06, 17 at 11:06am
@shinu: You make a great point. I've come to find each party has their own definition of Equality. The Right supports Equality of Opportunity. The Left supports Equality of Outcome (the ends justify the means).
Oct 06, 17 at 11:08am
As far as Republicans being outdated, I think they're only as outdated as Democrats are. Right leaning principals still have their place in todays society, and are in fact more relevant than ever before. In the past the government was needed to formulate standards in terms of education and public safety. However private entities by now have shown themselves to be more than capable, much more capable than the government, at doing the same jobs, for a profit, more efficiently, and with much better results. Whether you agree or disagree with the idea of privatizing the majority of the business that government has its hands in, it still remains relevant to today's issues.
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