Castlevania Anime Launch!

taktak13 @taktak13
Castlevania Anime Launch!
taktak13 @taktak13
Castlevania what was once just a video game. Is now starting an anime series! As far as I know only 3 episodes so far and I am hooked. I like every protagonist, even the main antagonist. Admitingly I've never played the game but maybe will now.
Anyone else seem the anime yet? Opinions?

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
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Castlevania Anime Launch!
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
I watched through it, my only complaint was that it was too short. Other than that I thought it was pretty great, I was surprised at how much I liked Dracula and I want to see more of him. Also really liked the protagonists

Lamby @momoichi
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Castlevania Anime Launch!
Lamby @momoichi
is it any good? worth watching?

Shadower @theshadower
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Castlevania Anime Launch!
Shadower @theshadower
I thought it was great, as Jak said it was too short. I enjoyed the fight scenes and can't wait season 2!

xxx @__removed_gurren921
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Castlevania Anime Launch!
xxx @__removed_gurren921
I think it's very good. It's only 4 episodes so that kind of sucks though

asukaangel @asukaangel
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Castlevania Anime Launch!
asukaangel @asukaangel
Thoseee episodes were amazing!!! I lovedd them!!! I said to myself I'll just watch one and then I was like: hell noooooo I'm watching this whole thing through!!! When are the next episodes out? Does anybody know?

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
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Castlevania Anime Launch!
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
Don't think a release date has been set yet, but apparently the second season will be 8 episodes which is pretty sweet

Aka-san @redhawk
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Castlevania Anime Launch!
Aka-san @redhawk
*Incoming Castlevania Fan*
I FUCKING LOVED IT!, and also was surprised it was animated (and mainly dubbed) by an American Animation Studio "Frederator Studios" (Fairly Oddparents,etc)
So Bravo to American Animation for giving us such great quality
It's a bummer why there was only 4 episodes but understand the reasoning (Netflix testing the waters) but I'm glad to know that there is more coming because they see that there is interest in the Series
I was so hyped when it was first announced and happy to see others taking an interest in Castlevania, whether they played the series or not
Season 2 will be 8 episodes long, but I don't know when they'll be released. Hopefully they have worked on them a bit beforehand
Dracula was awesome, and god, episode 1 was fantastic. I sympathize with him to be honest.
"There are no innocents! Not anymore! Any one of them could've stood up and said No we wont behave like animals anymore"
Trevor was awesome
and loved how part of Symphony of the Night was integrated with Dracula's Curse
can't wait to see more and hopefully this will revive the Castlevania series once again
(fucking pachinko machines SMH)
I hope this succeeds so we can hopefully get to see other adaptations of the various Castlevania games as well as the other Belmonts
(Leon, Trevor, Simon, Juste, and Richter)
Anyways, I recommend this series if you like Dark Fantasy, Violence, Gore or just looking for something cool to watch
Only 4 Episodes right now, 20 minutes each

taktak13 @taktak13
commented on
Castlevania Anime Launch!
taktak13 @taktak13
Oh wow, I didn't know the three episode were all of season 1. But man am I excited to hear about season 8!
I gotta say it easily became one of my top anime. Especially with the English dub.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Castlevania Anime Launch!
Aka-san @redhawk
^*Season 2, not 8*
Yea me too, English dub is the actual Dub since that was how the project started. Plus it being a period piece
Richard Artimage (Thorin Oakenshield) as Trevor Belmont was sick
Also Graham McTavish as Dracula was great too
So happy to see Castlevania getting so much love, and this definitely brings up my spirits after the disappointment that is Berserk 2016 & 2017 (I still love the Manga ♡)
I hope they throw in some music from the Castlevania games in the next season
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