Physically or otherwise. You can share your own thoughts but I was also wanting some advice. I recently started messaging a girl that happens to have a disability, she was born with it. Something about her hip is screwed up and it causes her to walk funny. She used to go to my old school but I don't really remember her, it was kind of a big school and she was in a few grades below me, but if she is the person that I think she is then her disability is really noticeable and she obviously has trouble with it. She's going to college and she is dealing with it, but I wanted to hear y'all's thoughts.
Personally, I think it all depends how you feel towards the person. It takes to commitment to work with the person. Secondly, the type may also play into effect. For example,it could be more difficult or challenging if a person has a mental disability than a physical one (but that's my opinion). And lastly, the person's attitude towards their own disability. Some are still have a positive outlook on life while others really don't :/ so there are different factors to consider.
Patience and understanding of the condition plays a key factor when talking to someone who has a disability. I would date someone with a disability, but I could be limited to the disability.
I agree with y'all. In my situation the girl has a pretty good attitude about her situation and she does look pretty cute in her pictures plus we both have some things in common such as going to the same school, so I've decided to try to meet up with her soon.
I had a friend who's a bit mentally disabled ask me out once, but I only saw him as a friend. I lost contact with him since high school which saddens me a little.
Depends what it is. Like for mental issues I'm pretty used to dealing with people who have em and probably wouldin't mind that much, but depends what exactly the issue is of course.
You can share your own thoughts but I was also wanting some advice. I recently started messaging a girl that happens to have a disability, she was born with it. Something about her hip is screwed up and it causes her to walk funny. She used to go to my old school but I don't really remember her, it was kind of a big school and she was in a few grades below me, but if she is the person that I think she is then her disability is really noticeable and she obviously has trouble with it. She's going to college and she is dealing with it, but I wanted to hear y'all's thoughts.